
Showing posts from November, 2020

#Marketing campaigns should focus on upcoming content

 Marketing campaigns should focus on upcoming content  Marketing, which is central to managing growth and revenue, has mostly felt the brunt and should therefore scramble to find new ways to connect and convert prospects. Based on the changes to be adopted in the new standard, content is expected to play a central role and become the most important lever in any marketing campaign. Marketing campaigns revolved around content, even when they had to use experiential or influencer marketing. The best way to build strong relationships with customers is through content - the information that reaches them. More and more people will rely on search engine results for brands to do business and content is a sure-fire way to get a brand to the top of that list. If content can solve a big problem for readers / subscribers, they will remember it. This allows the company to gain loyal followers and potential brand ambassadors, especially now that the display advertising and search advertising space i

#Organic Instagram Marketing Strategies

Organic Instagram Marketing Strategies That Will Help Thrive During The Pandemic. If committed to creativity and consistency, the three Instagram organic marketing strategies will help any business thrive during and beyond the pandemic. 2020 has been a year full of surprises, with the biggest surprise throwing the spotlight on social media. For a business owner or marketer working with a business that is new to social media, one of the best platforms to focus on is Instagram. The first key to success is creativity and consistency. Creativity will always be the name of the game on any social media platform. Story-Based Content: Stories are powerful, especially stories that touch on the key emotions that can drive purchasing decisions. Human stories, tailored to the brand and linked to the customer journey will be a winner every time. On Instagram, content can be both in the feed and in the stories. If written well, this type of content can draw visitors to a product or service, arouse t

#Headings For SEO

Headings for SEO:- Google uses H1 headers for SEO. One of the first known Google ranking factors is the use of headers for better search engine rankings. As search engine algorithms evolve, it's important to understand why headlines remain important and how to use them for modern search engines. The title tag was an important ranking factor. Title tag and PageRank score was enough to accurately rank a web page The factors on the page were very important, including the size of the fonts. Font size is a reference to the HTML sizing of the fonts, which is a reference to the headers used and optionally the font-size attribute. The use of the HTML font-size attribute was not considered a ranking factor. In terms of classification factors related to font size, only the header element (H1, H2, etc.) was considered a classification factor. Google Title Patents is widely recognized as the leading expert in search engine patents. Featured Titles and Snippets are more recent patents that impl

#Digital marketing trends

Digital marketing made rapid inroads during the pandemic, with businesses leveraging AI to bring greater personalization and tools like video advertising, voice search, and Google ads to maintain a competitive edge. Artificial intelligence trend: Artificial intelligence is implemented in different ways in various business and marketing processes. AI can be used to improve communications, analyze available data, track operations, and predict patterns of customer behavior, helping to reduce manual labor. AI can primarily be used to improve customer satisfaction as it can help easily read what customers expect. With the development of advanced software, AI has become more accessible to businesses, making it a very valuable tool for marketers. AI also influences customer choice by giving relevant recommendations according to taste and preference. AI helps develop the brand by meeting customer expectations. Google Verified List for Local SEO For Local: For businesses like plumbers, tailors,

#Level Up Your Social Media Lead Generation Game with These 35 Tools and Stats

 Improve Your Social Media Lead Generation Game With These 35 Tools & Statistics Great branding and lively language? Check. A large social audience in the channels that matter most to your industry? Check. Are the leads coming? Check - and punch. What happens after? Optimize your lead generation on social media so that it converts even more of your engaged audience into customers and customers. Lead generation on social media is all about turning brand awareness and interest in visitor actions, such as: Subscribe to your weekly newsletter Access an ebook or white paper Sign up for a free trial of your service Participate in a virtual event Engage with a chatbot People who take one of these first steps are more likely to take the next and the next.  Social media lead generation tools Social media ad retargeting tools Social media ads are a must for any business,i.e use them to increase brand awareness across all platforms and then retarget ads to people who visit the website.  But t

#SEO for Landing Pages: Best Practices to Rank

SEO for landing pages: best practices for ranking When it comes to the digital marketing strategy, landing pages are meant to drive conversion events. Having a webpage that is not performing well in the SERPs.  Marketers know that effective landing page optimization consistently attracts more organic traffic and the right potential customers. What is an SEO landing page? Best Practices for Building a Landing Page with SEO in Mind Let the keyword strategy guide the content Help search engines understand the structure of the content Pay attention to the URL used Monitor page speeds Create backlinks Optimize landing pages today What is an SEO landing page? A landing page focuses on the targeted keywords hope to rank for and always includes a call to action (CTA).  It is usually part of a larger inbound marketing campaign, the goal of which is to increase the share of total search traffic within your industry.  The defining feature of the landing page is the form, which is designed to capt

#GoogleAnalytics Helps Web Developers Design User Interfaces / UX

5 Ways Google Analytics Helps Web Developers Design User Interfaces / UX Google Analytics is one of the most popular marketing analytics platforms, over a million organizations worldwide use the Google Analytics platform to get a better insight into user behavior on their websites. 1. Use events to identify user interactions on specific parts of your website. Basic Google Analytics code only tracks page views by default. To track actions on websites, such as button clicks or form submissions, you'll need to trigger a separate Google Analytics event. 2. See how far users scroll the page with scroll tracking events. Besides tracking clicks and form submissions, Google Analytics events can also be used for scroll tracking. 3. Get an estimate of how much time they actually spend on your website. Learning where people are parading is one thing; knowing how much time they spend on the site is another one it is possible to measure with Google Analytics. 4. Find out where users are blocked

#Meta Tags Need to Know for SEO

10 Meta Tags For SEO Are 1. Title tags are the main and most important anchor. The <title> element typically appears as a clickable title in SERPs and also appears on social media and browsers. Title tags are placed in the <head> of the web page and are meant to provide a clear and complete idea of ​​what the page is. Each page has a unique title that describes the content of the page in a concise and precise manner. Keep titles of 50 to 60 characters maximum. Long headlines are shortened to around 600-700px on the SERP. 2. Meta description tags The meta description also resides in the <head> of a web page and is typically displayed in a SERP snippet with a page title and URL. 3. Header tags (H1-H6) Title tags are HTML tags used to identify headers and captions in your content from other types of text 4. Image modification attributes The image alt attribute is added to an image tag to describe its content. Alt attributes are important in terms of on-page optimization

#SEO on DuckDuckGo

Boost SEO on DuckDuckGo: The DuckDuckGo search engine has grown in popularity year after year. Google is only part of the SEO puzzle. If someone is focusing only on what Google wants, they may be missing a lot of the search market that uses other search engines, like DuckDuckGo and Bing. Some Ways to Adjust SEO Strategy to Rank Well in DuckDuckGo Search Engine. DuckDuckGo is a privacy-driven, non-tracking search engine. Integrate with social media, store information, or use search history to target ads. DuckDuckGo provides search results while blocking other search engines using trackers like Google. DuckDuckGo never stores personal information. Instead of collecting data to inform purchases. The main difference between DuckDuckGo and Google search engines is that Google keeps track of things like IP addresses and search history, unlike DuckDuckGo. Search Engine Ads : Google adapts ads based on search history, while DuckDuckGo adapts ads based on currently displ


Want to take control of how your personal brand is viewed online? SEO tips will help you own the SERPs when someone searches for a name. Understand the importance of a personal brand. It is extremely important to control the way your personal brand is perceived online. Build assets Domain / Website If someone doesn't already own their name as a domain and don't have a website, they need to do something right away. It is the foundation of online reputation management and will be the “digital headquarters”. From your website, visitors will be able to learn more. They can: Subscribe to the mailing list. Find social media profiles. Browse content - articles, videos, images, etc. But that won't happen by magic. Need to create useful and original content and be able to earn links to the website. Pictures: Humans are visual creatures, so using pictures can be a powerful way to control name search results. Depending on the whims of Google, these images could appear somewhere on the

#GoogleMyBusiness Problems

Common Google My Business Problems Google My Business has become more complex over the years. Five common problems with Google My Business to solve them. Google My Business (GMB) was so easy. GMB listings basically included a business name, address, phone number, and website URL. Google has made GMB profiles more robust, which is very exciting. Businesses create a Google My Business profile that really shows what their business has to offer. The five common problems that Google My Business users should encounter and resolve are 1. Spammy and bogus competitor listings dominating search results: For SEO practitioners, the word "spam" has a negative connotation. and GMB spam is no different. Whether it's a fake business listing or a company name filled with keywords, these types of rule-breakers can harm many people, both for searchers and others. local businesses. But there are ways to combat GMB spam. The Appeal Form is a much more formal “complaint” form and requires more

#Business with broad match and Smart Bidding

Google Ads wants advertisers to give another broad match chance Broad match keyword suggestions will begin to appear in recommendations. Google will start showing new recommendations to move broad to Google Ads. Using smart bidding will help identify existing keywords that could improve performance if switching them to broad match. By associating a broad match keyword with Smart Bidding,  Use auction signals to set the correct bid for each of those queries, that is, no longer need to anticipate and manage every potential search. Leaving the keyword to the query corresponding to the algorithms has been Google's strategy. With the predictive signals from Smart Bidding as a safety net, an increase in unique search terms generated by the broad match, resulting in a 20% increase in conversions. The results of using broad match with smart bidding and analyzing a third of its revenue growth come from broad match keywords. For PPC marketers, using broad match keywords is like nails on a bl

#Google Analytics to Analyze Customer Journey

 Google Analytics to analyze the customer journey Use of Google Analytics to track marketing. Types of Google Analytics for the customer journey are # 1: Evaluate Outreach Goals in Google Analytics # 2: examine engagement goals in Google Analytics # 3: Evaluate achievement goals in Google Analytics # 4: Link traffic sources to results in Google Analytics

#WebDesign Mistakes That Hurt SEO

 Avoid 10 Common Web Design Mistakes That Hurt SEO 1. Poor navigation on the website 2. Slow page load speed: People in the online world are moving at breakneck speed. People are constantly scouring social media, hammering emails, and reviewing a ton of generic headlines on SERPs. that is, if people take the time to click through to the site and the site takes forever to load, people will be gone before you know it. So keep visitors there, make sure pages load in three seconds or less. 3. A site not suitable for mobiles: Globally, 52% of web traffic comes from a mobile device. Google has taken note and developed mobile-first indexing, i.e. prioritizing the mobile version of a website for indexing and ranking. If the site is not optimized for mobile, expect it to be essentially invisible in the SERPs. visitors are 5 times more likely to leave a non-mobile site. 4. Missing H1 tags, especially on the homepage: The H1 tag is the first thing search engine spiders look for to help them deter

#searchdata can drive #contentmarketing success.

 Data analysis forms the basis of a successful content strategy. Research data can help in six ways: 1. Understand the performance of existing content 2. Use the search intent 3. Analyze the subject groups 4. Adapt the presentation of the content vertically or niche 5. Learn from research competitors 6. Maximize what you have created While data-driven analytics is the foundation of solid content, success also relies on ideas, passion, and creativity. Data can inform topics, format, and language, but content creation is still a human-led creative process.


A press release is a compelling short story written by a public relations professional and sent to targeted members of the media. The purpose of a press release is to pique the interest of a publication. The reason press releases are considered good for SEO is that having information about a company, brand, or website featured in news and media posts is good for visibility. Press releases make room for branding in pieces of content that also promote the company. A press release is an official statement addressed to members of the news media for the purpose of providing information, an official statement or making an announcement. A press release is traditionally made up of nine structural elements, including a title, an introduction, a body, and other information. Press releases can benefit/boost brands and SEO. The reasons for the press releases are: To build a reputation. To gain media coverage. To control a crisis 1. Do something newsworthy 2. Write a catchy press release Important

#SEO Writing

 SEO writing is the process of finding, presenting, creating, and optimizing content for a target keyword's ranking in Google and other search engines. SEO copywriting requires the attention of a search engine, Content copywriting is about using content to attract consumers, and content writing refers to both. Google's success depends on delivering content that responds to web users' queries in the most relevant way possible. Writing with SEO helps to gain organic traffic and attract qualified readers and potential customers to the website. The content ranks and drives targeted traffic to the site, where potential customers can learn how to use Ahrefs to grow their traffic and business. SEO writing is all about researching and writing content that ranks in search engines. The main goal is to understand what people are looking for in order to align the content with their needs. A 5-step framework suitable for beginners to help you write a blog post or article with SEO is 1.

#PageRank sculpting

 Sculpting PageRank with internal linking and A / B testing is a powerful strategy for improving the ranking of high-value landing pages. Link-building SEO strategists often forget that it is much easier to leverage their existing link capital than to build more. Large business and e-commerce websites with thousands of landing pages often run too thin PageRank, sending links to pages that are unlikely to ever rank. SEO strategists can dramatically improve rankings by altering the internal linking profile of their websites to focus more on PageRank on their most profitable landing pages. An iterative approach to internal link changes with a crawler, A / B testing, and site restores allow webmasters to make adjustments until they get the right distribution of their PageRank. PageRank-based link algorithms are Google's original authority settings. Google uses its PageRank algorithms to separate signal from noise in its massive 30 trillion page index and deliver high-quality search res

#Search Ad Spending

 Search ad spend is on the rise as retailers focus on online sales. Search ad spend is growing at an estimated 5.9% in 2020, according to a new forecast from eMarketer. The pace of online consumer spending remains more stable than expected. Retail sales are shifting to digital channels, resulting in more search advertising from digital merchants. Short term forecast It is estimated that advertisers will spend $ 60 billion on Search ads this year, which is an increase from previous estimates of $ 55 billion. Growth is primarily driven by mobile search ads. According to eMarketer, desktop search expenses will barely increase. Long term forecast By 2024, advertisers are expected to spend $ 99.2 billion on search, which is up from a previous forecast of $ 91.32 billion. Most of this growth will be driven by mobile search ads, which are expected to account for two-thirds of search ad spend by 2024. Google's share of the search advertising market is estimated to have increased from 61.3%

B2B Traffic and Leads With Content

 A four-part plan for driving traffic and generating leads across multiple platforms. # 1: Study customer needs to create relevant B2B content B2B content requires a special kind of marketing to effectively connect with the target audience while providing business value and tactical knowledge to everyone who consumes it. Measuring interest and choosing the types of content for each platform is critical to the success and lifespan of content. Treat B2B content as a user experience that ultimately delivers immediate value to those who engage. To create valuable content, you need to have a real understanding of marketing audiences and their general and demographic habits. The basic content checklist should include: * Use solid research and analysis to understand what audiences enjoy reading and watching, and what would encourage them to share the content with their networks. * Explain how the product or service will revolutionize their life. * Know what type of content works well for a sp

White Hat SEO: How to Rank by the Rules

 With 70% of digital marketers citing search engine optimization (SEO) as the most effective content marketing tactic they've implemented in the past year, it's important to have 'an effective SEO strategy for your overall digital marketing plans. There are two common approaches to SEO: white hat and black hat techniques. White Hat SEO is attributed to practices that increase a website's search ranking on a Search Engine Results Page (SERP) without deviating from Google guidelines. On the other hand, Black Hat SEO is associated with finding and exploiting loopholes within Google's algorithm. While both have the same goal in mind, there are a few key differences to understand, especially because some black hat SEO tactics run the risk of earning a penalty from Google. White Hat SEO is a term used to refer to SEO strategies that work according to the rules and expectations of search engines and researchers. Implement techniques

SEO OnPage Techniques That Google Hates

  8 On-Page Optimization Techniques Google Hates: On-page SEO best practices are constantly evolving, eight SEO techniques to avoid under penalty of penalty. A wide range of black hat SEO techniques has proven to be effective in the short term. Many websites implementing such tactics suffered severe penalties that could not be recovered. Google has gotten a lot smarter and continues to advance its algorithm every day. SEO is constantly evolving and on-page content optimization strategies must do white hat SEO takes a lot of time and expertise is required: * A well-constructed strategy. * A variety of onsite and offsite initiatives. * Quality content. * The ability to adapt to a constantly changing landscape. 1. Keyword stuffing: Keyword stuffing was one of the most common content tactics. Keyword stuffing is a search engine optimization technique, considered spam or spamdexing, in which the keywords are loaded into the meta tags, visible content, or anchor text of the backlink of '

SEO Tips for Beginners to Boost Traffic

SEO Tips for Beginners to Boost Traffic :- A small  business owner or run a Fortune 500 company, search engine optimization drives business across all industries in this modern world.  By producing high-quality content, so that can optimize the webpages to turn up higher in search engine results. The higher the website ranks for the right search queries, the more traffic is likely to drive. 67% of content marketing professionals surveyed indicated that improving SEO performance is a top priority for companies.  73%  used the SEO skills and tools to achieve better content marketing results,i.e  to remain competitive, need to understand how to improve the search engine rankings.  As a small business owner or run a Fortune 500 business, search engine optimization is boosting business in all areas of this modern world. By producing high-quality content, to optimize the web pages to increase search engine results. The higher the website ranks for the right search queries, the more traffic i

KeywordResearch for Affiliate Sites

Four types of affiliate keywords to target are General comparisons: It is easy to recommend products in these types of publications because their goal is to compare products and researchers are almost always in the market to buy this type of product quickly. Brand comparisons: Brand comparisons are keywords in which the researcher wants to compare the differences between two branded products. Product Reviews: The keywords in product reviews are those that people are looking for detailed reviews of individual products. These are perfect targets for affiliate sites, as searchers are usually very close to making a purchase. They've done their research already, and something about a particular model struck a chord with them. T&A Keywords: To rank the pages in Google, need a certain level of page and website authority, which means getting backlinks. However, because the types of keywords are commercial, it is difficult to get links to the pages that target them. The solution is to t

SEO Best Practices When Using GIFs

SEO best practices when using GIFs :- From BuzzFeed listicles to #Twitter clapbacks, GIFs (short for Graphics Interchange Format) are part of the language of the web. Search Google images or through Giphy, one of the largest GIF aggregators, to see a huge variety of GIFs on display from everywhere. GIFs can be good for SEO in the same way that all well-designed images can be good for SEO - they can drive clicks and keep people engaged on a page. GIFs can be shared, and a good branded shareable GIF can survive in the memes ecosystem for a long time. People love #GIFs and using them can break up long articles and add relatability to the content. GIFs aren't bad for #SEO, as long as you present them correctly and don't let them slow down the site. GIFs can be bad for SEO if they rely on text or make them too heavy. They can also affect accessibility, so you should make sure that GIFs meet accessibility guidelines. Customize GIF filenames, use unique GIFs, and most importantly, wri

Content and Power up the SEO with Audience Understanding

The site’s content exists for one purpose: to attract, delight, and engage your target audience. The contents ideation process is limited to things like internal brainstorming, keyword research, things think are important about business or service, or pure guesswork. Discovering what the audience cares about that is relevant to  business involves three understandings: Understanding how people search for things relevant: Starting the process of determining what content the site needs by doing keyword research. Understanding why people search for things relevant(intent).: The second important understanding for better SEO content creation centers around the search intent of users. Search intent has to do with what people actually want to accomplish with their search. Different ways to categorize search intent, the four

SEO performance and results

Search engine optimization (SEO) is the process of optimizing your webpages and content to rank high on a search engine. Implementing an effective SEO strategy is a strong start in boosting the website’s visibility, growing organic traffic, and attracting new customers.  Google uses over 200 ranking factors in its algorithm. 10 key metrics to measure your SEO results, specifically: Organic Traffic When searchers type a question, word, or string of words into a search engine, they will get a set of results showing the ads and pages related to the search query.  Organic traffic is the number of visitors your site generates from people clicking on your webpages when they come up from search engine results. Keyword Ranking A keyword is a term that encompasses anything searched on a search engine.  A single word or phrase is considered a keyw

SEOTechniques to Increase Organic Traffic

12 SEO Techniques That Can Help Boost A Site's Performance :- When someone first launches a site, there are a whole series of basics that need to be in place.  Things like: Keyword research                     Optimize title tags and meta tags                     Create optimized content 12 SEO Techniques That Can Help Boost A Site's Performance, And Walkthrough How To Execute Each Of Them. These aren't the only SEO tactics to use, but these techniques should be an integral part of the strategy. By working on the implementation of each of them, we were able to improve the visibility and the traffic. 1. Find the best-performing pages of the competitors: The more to know about the SEO strategy of competitors, the better the own site can perform. Analysis of main competitor pages can point in the direction of things like: A content/keyword gap A link between An opportunity to improve the existing content Keyword cannibalization To find the best pages from the competitors, head