Want to take control of how your personal brand is viewed online?

SEO tips will help you own the SERPs when someone searches for a name.

Understand the importance of a personal brand.

It is extremely important to control the way your personal brand is perceived online.

Build assets

Domain / Website

If someone doesn't already own their name as a domain and don't have a website, they need to do something right away.

It is the foundation of online reputation management and will be the “digital headquarters”.

From your website, visitors will be able to learn more.

They can:

Subscribe to the mailing list.

Find social media profiles.

Browse content - articles, videos, images, etc.

But that won't happen by magic.

Need to create useful and original content and be able to earn links to the website.


Humans are visual creatures, so using pictures can be a powerful way to control name search results.

Depending on the whims of Google, these images could appear somewhere on the first page of search results.

Use the appropriate alt attributes to help search engines understand what they are talking about.

Make sure they are of high quality, as large as possible, placed on the pages in a way that helps search engines understand what they are talking about.


Use videos posted to YouTube to gain additional positions in the search results for a name and it is important to include our name in the video title, description, and tags.

To gain more views, embed the videos on one website as well, if available.

Social media profiles:

It is important to use the diagram correctly on the website and to include links to social profiles from the website to help search engines connect the dots.

Publication of guests / columns:

Part of controlling search results depends on creating a number of new digital assets.

Leverage other pre-existing websites to control what people see when they search for a name.

Link building:

Creating assets is not enough, it is also necessary to create links to all these assets so that they are classified under a single name.

Obviously, use whatever link building method you would normally use for traditional SEO.


The first and most obvious reason is a personal brand in front of more people in a positive light.

A positive effect on branded search also helps control what appears in Google search suggestions.

Drive traffic to these assets primarily through social media (both organic and paid) and email.

On social media, post certain things like articles or podcast episodes, organically.

Run paid ads to get more people in front of you, even do the same with email, sending links to the list.


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