#SEO for Landing Pages: Best Practices to Rank

SEO for landing pages: best practices for ranking

When it comes to the digital marketing strategy, landing pages are meant to drive conversion events. Having a webpage that is not performing well in the SERPs. 

Marketers know that effective landing page optimization consistently attracts more organic traffic and the right potential customers.

What is an SEO landing page?

Best Practices for Building a Landing Page with SEO in Mind

Let the keyword strategy guide the content

Help search engines understand the structure of the content

Pay attention to the URL used

Monitor page speeds

Create backlinks

Optimize landing pages today

What is an SEO landing page?

A landing page focuses on the targeted keywords hope to rank for and always includes a call to action (CTA). 

It is usually part of a larger inbound marketing campaign, the goal of which is to increase the share of total search traffic within your industry. 

The defining feature of the landing page is the form, which is designed to capture information about visitors. 

Effective landing pages are clear and straightforward in the hopes of providing a positive overall user experience. 

They don't distract attention with gadgets, but rather direct the user to a conversion event in a simplified way.

A good place to start optimizing a site's landing pages is to check out the home page. 

If the website to perform well in the SERPs, need to focus on optimizing new and existing content for organic search. 

This is especially true for landing pages, where conversion and click-through rates rely heavily on quality content. 

A content audit can determine if existing landing pages are optimally optimized. 

Best Practices for Building a Landing Page with SEO in mind.

SEO best practices will improve the ranking of landing pages in search engine results and ensure reach the target audience. 

The right SEO will attract people interested in the topic, product, or service. 

This allows generating more leads, thus increasing conversion rate and promoting the overall success of a business.

Here are the basic best practices to follow when building SEO landing pages:

Let keyword strategy guide the content

Help search engines understand the structure of your content

Pay attention to the URL used

Monitor page speed

Create backlinks

Let keyword strategy guide the content

A solid keyword strategy forms the basis of a successful landing page. 

Strategically select long-tail keywords, focusing on search intent. 

Use keywords in content in a natural and logical way, and remember to write for human readers, not robots. 

Search engine algorithms recognize keyword stuffing, and it won't help climb the SERPs.

Use secondary keywords to further contextualize the subject of the landing page. 

One should also consider semantic keywords, which are phrases that don't want to rank for specifically but support the main keyword, which clarifies the search intent trying to meet. 

Semantic keywords will help the page rank better and overall more targeted.

Here's an example of what that might look like:

Main keyword = "SEO landing page"

Secondary keyword = "destination pages

Help search engines understand the structure of content

It takes more than keywords to optimize an SEO landing page. 

Content should be structured so that search engine spiders can read, analyze, and recognize. 

This way the search engine knows what the landing page is about and can index it correctly.

Here are some points to discuss in terms of structuring the landing page:

Title tag: The title of the page should be short and include a high-quality keyword. Ideally, place the keyword to the left of the page title and put less important words last.

Alt Tag: Add alt tags to images in HTML. 

The content in a way that search engine spiders can read, If the image doesn't load properly due to a technical issue, the alt tag will appear instead. 

A high-quality alt tag will offer a brief description of the image and its context. 

Meta description: The meta description is a direct ranking factor. 

A clear meta description can also convince a user to click on a search engine result. 

Headers: Include an H1 header tag that matches the page title. 

Divide the other content on the page using the H2 and H3 headers. Include secondary keywords in secondary headers, if applicable.

Internal Links: Add relevant internal links using properly targeted anchor text. 

If possible, use the main keyword of the linked page as the anchor text. Internal links further help search engines understand the context and content of a page.

Images and Videos: Add images and videos, which show search engines that the content is valuable. Label these files appropriately, with the primary keyword in the filename, title, and alt tag.

Helps to communicate information about what content people can find on the page.

Monitor page speeds

Page speed is a big factor in search engine rankings. 

Fast charging ensures a user-friendly experience. 

For example, Google aims for pages to load in less than half a second. 

Slow page speed can also increase bounce rates, as users get frustrated with slow loading and click away from your site.  

There are many steps can take to improve page speed, such as using smaller images, reducing the number of requests for your page, and removing redirects.

Create backlinks

Backlinks are links from other platforms to the website. 

High-quality backlinks from respected, authoritative, high ranking websites will boost landing page SEO. 

Link exchanges are one way to get backlinks. I mention a statistic or fact, cite the source.

Creating quality shareable content will increase the chances that others will link to the next. 

Videos are also a great way to share useful information in a concise and engaging way. 

One can generate organic backlinks by posting content on social media platforms like LinkedIn or content sharing platforms like Medium.

Search engine optimization helps get the right eyes on the landing page, increasing lead generation, and conversion. 


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