Back-end development guide
Back-end development guide : - Back-end development refers to the development of the server-side logic that powers websites and applications from behind the scenes. It includes all the code necessary to build the database, the server, and the application. From database migrations to API integrations to configuring the server-side technologies that make a website work, a back-end web developer can be the talent to get the next web project off the ground. The Basics: Front-End vs Back-End: To understand the back end, or the server side, you need to know the front end and how to interact. The interface, also called client-side programming, is what happens in the browser - everything that end users see and interact with. The backend, on the other hand, happens on the server (on-site or in the cloud) and the databases. It is the machinery that works behind the scenes: everything that the end user does not see or directly interact with, but that drives what is happening. It is important to n...