The difference between frontend and backend web development

The difference between frontend and backend web development :-

Start to learn web development, they have probably heard a lot about frontend and backend programming.

While frontend and backend development are certainly different from each other, they are also like two sides of the same coin.

The functionality of a website depends on each side communicating and working effectively with the other as a single unit.

Both play a very important role in web development.

1. Frontend development:

The interface of a website is what can be seen and interacted with in the browser.

Client-side includes everything that the user experiences directly: from text and colors to buttons, images and navigation menus.

Include some photos and some information about the products.

All the needs are frontend technologies to build the website.

2. The main frontend development languages:

These three languages ​​will do the trick:

HTML is the fundamental coding language that creates and organizes web content so that it can be displayed by a browser.

CSS is a language that accompanies HTML and defines the style of the content of a website, such as design, colors, fonts, etc.

JavaScript is a programming language used for more interactive elements such as drop-down menus, modal windows, and contact forms.

Together, these building blocks create everything that is visually presented when visiting a web page, whether it's shopping online, reading the news, checking email, or doing a Google search.

In addition to the basic front-end languages, find frameworks like Bootstrap and Angular, as well as JavaScript libraries like jQuery and CSS extensions like Sass and LESS.

There is a long list of resources that support HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

Its purpose is simply to make the code more manageable and organized by providing various tools and templates that are compatible with common coding languages.

3. The difference between frontend development and web design:

Frontend development deals with the visual and interactive side of a website, it is not the same as web design.

Frontend developers don't actually design these front aspects of a website;

The work of a web designer, or more specifically, a UI designer.

The frontend developer takes this design and makes it functional using the frontend languages.

Web designers care about design: the appearance of the website, its layout, and the buttons and touch points that the user experiences.

Frontend developers care about functionality; the engineering that transforms these designs into a live interactive website.

The site should store information about products, purchases, user profiles, credit cards and more.

It will manage the data so that can start handing out awards for all those backend developments.

4. Backend development:

For static sites, all the necessary information that determines what is on the web page is in the interface code.

Static websites are good for displaying things like companies, restaurants, portfolios, or professional profiles.

The backend or the server side is the part of the website. responsible for storing and organizing the data and ensuring that everything on the client side really works.

The backend communicates with the front-end, sending and receiving information to make it appear as a web page.

Fill out a contact form, type a web address, or make a purchase, any user interaction on the client side, the browser sends a request.

On the server side, it returns information in the form of interface code that the browser can interpret and display.

The new site will need to have additional backend components to make it a dynamic web application, a website whose content can change based on what is in its database and which can be modified by user input.

This is a different from a static website, which does not require a database because its content generally remains the same.

The website needs a database to manage all the customer and product information.

A database stores website content in a structure that makes it easy to retrieve, organize, edit, and store data.

It runs on a remote computer called a server.

There are many different databases that are widely used, such as MySQL, SQL Server, Postgres SQL, and Oracle.

The application will still contain interface code, but it must also be built using a language that a database can recognize.

Common backend languages ​​are Ruby, PHP, Java, .Net, and Python. These programming languages ​​often run in frameworks that simplify the web development process.

Ruby on Rails is a popular technology for creating dynamic web applications that makes the process much faster.

Customers can visit the website and search for the particular type of snack they want to buy; they may want to get a list of treats made especially for the little ones.

By typing in the search box (in the interface), the application examines all the product data stored in the database (backend) and returns the appropriate information in the form of interface code that the browser displays as the list requested by the user.

A dynamic web application that uses frontend and backend technologies.

Use frontend languages ​​to make the website look good and easy to navigate.

The backend keeps all the frontend components together and lets do things like store purchase history and product details, create secure editable user accounts, and more.

It is important to take into account the day-to-day tasks of each one.

The idea of ​​working with visual designs and bringing them to life, creating a first-class user experience, and then probably enjoying working on the interface.

Working with data, discovering algorithms, and finding ways to optimize complex systems, one may prefer to work as a backend developer.

The distinction between frontend and backend is not always so clear.

Some developers are proficient on both the frontend and the backend; These are what are known as full-stack developers.

Get a good idea of ​​the differences between the frontend and the backend, and how they work together to create functional and user-friendly websites.

To learn more about becoming a web developer, find out the types of skills and qualifications.


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