
Showing posts from May, 2021

5 PPC tips for tech companies

5 PPC tips for tech companies: - These 5 PPC Tips for Tech Companies will helps one to maximize paid search resources, connect with B2B buyers, and improve ROI. More and more companies are discovering the benefits of a well-run PPC program. Competitive keywords in some industries, especially the tech industry, can be extremely expensive. Don't let expensive keywords stop you from developing a strategy to reach the target audience in this industry. To effectively use search platforms like Google Ads and Microsoft Ads to effectively reach target audience in the competitive technology space. 1. Use detailed demographics in Google Ads: The demographic category detailed in Google Ads is technically still in beta, but most accounts can be whitelisted in this beta. This is particularly beneficial for the technology industry because we can target by: Size of the company: Small employer (1-249). Large employer (250-10,000). Very large employer (10k + employees). Industry Construction. Educa

Difference between Squarespace and WordPress

Difference between Squarespace and WordPress  : - WordPress is the most widely used CMS platform, and according to a web survey, 39.6% of the world uses WordPress to manage their content. several other options are growing in popularity and prove to be worthy contenders for WordPress. One of those competitors is Squarespace. This beginner-friendly content management system is a favorite among many. WordPress is the best for customization. With this platform, the options seem limitless. WordPress offers thousands of templates that serve as a starting point for the website. These models can be considerably modified to best meet the needs. WordPress also offers tens of thousands of plugins to add to the site to further improve its design and operation. Squarespace is great for beginners. The steps for building a website on this platform are straightforward and easy for beginners. Squarespace doesn't require you to sign up for hosting or purchasing a domain separately, and the templates

15 Tips to Boost Website SEO

15 Website SEO Tips to Rank Better in Search Results And Get More Traffic To the Page:- To many creative professionals, managing website SEO - search engine optimization - seems foreign. SEO is extremely important if one wants people to actually see the work. It is not enough to choose the best web hosting service and create a beautiful portfolio website (maybe using a website builder). People should also be able to find the website when looking for a job like. 01. Optimize images: Most creative professional websites are full of images. But if the images are not optimized for web presentation, they can slow the page down when loading, which can hurt the site's ranking in Google searches. Instead of uploading photos and design files that are megabytes in size, the goal should be to upload files no larger than 2,500 pixels on the long edge. 02. Add alt text: To help the website rank in search engines, one needs to add alt text (alt text) or captions to the images. The alt text tells

Guide for JavaScript SEO

Guide for JavaScript SEO : - SEO moved towards using different front-end languages. Using Google Tag Manager (GTM) requires a basic understanding of HTML and Vanilla JavaScript. Speaking of JavaScript, there has been a recent discussion on why and how Google crawlers read JavaScript. The relevant queries that arise are * About reading Google JavaScript. * Change if the site uses a lot of JavaScript. * Server-side rendering. Use of javascript for each JavaScript framework on the site. Modern JavaScript applied to SEO: JavaScript is a rendering programming language used for animation purposes via DOM methods. In its most sophisticated form, it is used to create native web applications with frameworks like React and Vue. While React and Vue are very popular and many sites are starting to use these frameworks, an SEO professionals are more likely to come across legacy architectures like WordPress that run on Vanilla and jQuery. To be precise, the application of JavaScript in such CMS is pr

Best practices and tips for image SEO

Best practices and tips for image SEO:- Optimizing images is an aspect that is often overlooked. Some key tips and best practices in image SEO to help one use images as an asset in SEO strategy. SEO involves many different parts and strategies, some of them can be quick fixes and others can take a lot longer to implement.  So one can see why it's easy to forget something, especially for a business that is not used to doing these things and is trying to do SEO for the first time. It might be easy to overlook some of the smaller steps like image SEO while practicing good onsite SEO. It's important to remember that every little thing that can be done to boost a site's SEO efforts makes a difference and this is especially true if it's something other sites may ignore. Optimizing images is an aspect that is often overlooked. As a site is planned, designed, and images are added more often, images are added without being properly optimized, as long as they look good, the thoug

Seven Business SEO Strategies and Tactics That Really Work

Seven Business SEO Strategies and Tactics That Really Work : - The best business SEO strategies that improve the website ranking and drive results. A well-planned business SEO strategy includes everything that helps a business dominate Google search. Voice search optimization is essential for SEO success. Striking keyword targeting is helpful in getting more results in a short time. Internal links can increase the time spent on the site as well as the visibility and ranking of the website. Scalability is the key to implementing a large-scale link building campaign. Structured data is useful for decorating content on SERP and increasing CTR. To add content in order to capture early or mid-stage content, even transactional, a blog is a great way. One of the important things for a future-proof SEO is improving the EAT website. E-A-T stands for Expertise, Authority, Reliability. Corporate sites are often owned by large companies or even mid-sized companies that offer a wide range of produc

Google's exact phrase update simplifies keywords and worries advertisers

Google's exact phrase update simplifies keywords and worries advertisers:- Google recently announced the update to Exact Phrase Processing to include Broad Query Modifier (BMM) traffic is the latest in a series of changes to its keyword match types. These changes focus on machine learning and automation over manual inputs from advertisers. Advertisers received a mixed reception, with some acknowledging how similar BMM and phrase matching behaved, and others denouncing the change as an attempt to remove more data and controls from advertisers so that Google can get the most out of auctions. . While updating phrase matching shows a general trend, advertisers should still make sure their campaigns are performing well and to that end, PPC experts have also provided advice on what to do. do before the change and as it is deployed. Updating phrase match is a compromise for advertisers. Google has repeatedly said that the match type changes it has made help businesses reach more customers

Microsoft Ads replaces manual CPC with CPC Optimizer

Microsoft Ads replaces manual CPC with CPC Optimizer : - Microsoft will transfer all search, buy, and dynamic ad campaigns from the Search Network that do not have automatic bidding strategies to the CPC Optimizer (eCPC). All Dynamic Search, Shopping and Dynamic Search Ads campaigns without any automatic bidding strategy in place will be automatically migrated to the CPC Optimizer. All ad groups and keywords will also be set to inherit bids from their parent campaign, the ad says. Target ROAS (Return on Ad Spend) automatically sets bids at auction time to increase revenue or conversion value for the Target ROAS set. Target Cost Per Acquisition (CPA) automatically sets bids to achieve the desired 30-day CPA. Maximize Clicks is designed to help to get as many clicks as possible within the budget. Microsoft Advertising recommends that paid advertising managers start testing their automatic bidding setup now, before the migration begins. The ad advises advertisers to start testing as soon

New social media marketing opportunities

7 New social media marketing opportunities on Facebook and more : - Make good use of the social media features and platforms available to one! Discover 7 new social media marketing opportunities on Facebook, Twitter and more. With so many social media platforms and features now available, it can be difficult to determine which opportunities are optimal for the business. Changes to Facebook that significantly affect marketers. There are currently more than 4.66 billion Internet users in the world and among them, more than 3.81 billion have an account on social networks. Social media is a massive channel to conduct and market the business. To stay on top of the marketing strategy, check out these latest changes to Facebook that the business can take advantage of to dramatically affect the marketing results. 1 Priority of the personalized news feed in Facebook: - Facebook users can now set preferences to control which contacts they see at the top of their newsfeed, i.e. having the power t

Google adds 12 new types of manual action penalties

Google adds 12 new types of manual action penalties:- Google News and Google Discover policy violations can now result in manual penalties. Google is offering 12 new types of manual action penalties that involve violations of Google News and Google Discover policies. This is the first time that a website can potentially receive a manual penalty for violating news and discovery policies. Previously, manual actions were limited to Google search violations. A manual sanction, unlike an automated sanction, is issued by a human reviewer at Google. The penalty is applied after the reviewer determines that the site does not meet Google guidelines. Traditionally, a manual penalty results in lower ranking pages or sites in Google search.  It is not known what the repercussions will be in the event of a manual sanction for breaking the rules of Google News and Google Discover. Manual actions are the most serious of all Google sanctions and take serious effort to recover. The only manual sanction

My Digital marketing Skill Trade

My Writing Skill Trade   Watched the week 2 training program and feel so excited to hear many topics covered which i do not know before enrolling the DDIP. To make understanding, watched the training program week 2 video again and again not to miss the topics. This week 2 assignment helping me to upgrade my writing skills. I like writing an article about what I learned after watching the video. Done  my first week 1 assignment and get approved, thank you DDIP Team effort in working to make all of us get learning. Keep writing an article or post on social media sites like Linkdein every day. Writing an article or post will develop my skill and improving my English and communication skills. Very excited to learn Digital Marketing from Digital Deepak, telling like this not just doing build up of Digital Deppak but my respect on Deepak about his commitments in fulfilling dreams of people in reaching their goals and financially strong with freelance,mentor ship. Mr. Deepak is conducting so