15 Tips to Boost Website SEO

15 Website SEO Tips to Rank Better in Search Results And Get More Traffic To the Page:-

To many creative professionals, managing website SEO - search engine optimization - seems foreign.

SEO is extremely important if one wants people to actually see the work.

It is not enough to choose the best web hosting service and create a beautiful portfolio website (maybe using a website builder). People should also be able to find the website when looking for a job like.

01. Optimize images:

Most creative professional websites are full of images.

But if the images are not optimized for web presentation, they can slow the page down when loading, which can hurt the site's ranking in Google searches.

Instead of uploading photos and design files that are megabytes in size, the goal should be to upload files no larger than 2,500 pixels on the long edge.

02. Add alt text:

To help the website rank in search engines, one needs to add alt text (alt text) or captions to the images.

The alt text tells Google what is in the photo, allowing it to catalog visual content in search results.

Describe the content of the image in about 125 characters or less, and be sure to type in some website related keywords.

Just avoid using the same keywords over and over for each image, as search engines can find one for keyword stuffing.

03. Use titles and descriptions:

The page title and description is what Google and other search engines present to viewers.

So, these lines should not only present the keywords relevant to the creative niche; they must also attract visitors to click on the site when scrolling through the search results.

Keep page titles between 30 and 60 characters.

Descriptions should be between 70 and 140 characters long.

04. Write a copy on the home page:

If the homepage is full of images and no text, search engines will have a hard time reading it.

This is why it is essential to include at least one written copy on the home page.

A brief description of what one is doing or a preview of the about page can go a long way in improving the website in search results.

05. Focus on the About page:

On most creative websites, the About page is the second most visited page, just behind the home page.

Optimizing it can help keep visitors on the site longer, which search engines take as a sign that the site is of high quality.

Be sure to include a photo of oneself and a brief but detailed explanation of who one is and what kind of work one has done.

This is also a great opportunity to hit niche related keywords.

06. Correct broken links:

Pages on the Internet move over time.

When this happens, it can leave one with broken links, especially in old blog posts.

Every time the site has a broken link, the page ranking goes down a bit.

Updating or removing broken links is easy.

Use an online tool like Dead Link Checker to spot any links that are no longer working across the entire website.

07. Add an SSL certificate:

An SSL certificate ensures the safety of visitors when they connect to the website.

If the website does not have an SSL certificate, it is likely to be downgraded by search engines.

Most of the best web hosts include a free SSL certificate when signing up for a hosting plan.

The web host should have step-by-step instructions to walk one through the setup process.

08. Connect to a CDN:

A content delivery network (CDN) creates copies of the website on servers around the world.

This is a good thing for website SEO as it makes pages load faster for visitors which is something search engines weigh heavily when ranking.

Cloud flare offers a free CDN, and there are many other free providers as well.

09. Start a blog:

Starting a blog is one of the best things one can do for website SEO.

This gives the ability to add more content and photos of the work, plus one can write a copy that hits a ton of keywords.

Best of all, high quality blog content can help retain website visitors, which in turn improves the site's ranking in search engine algorithms.

10. Do a keyword search:

Keywords are the words and phrases that visitors look for when they search websites like.

While some keywords that are relevant to the website may be obvious, research can help find those that are not.

One can use Google Search Console to see what keywords people typically search for when they find the website.

11. Add testimonials and reviews:

Testimonials and customer reviews give the site more credibility in the eyes of visitors and search engines.

One can get the most out of customer reviews by creating a Google My Business account and then asking customers to write reviews about the business through Google.

12. Create backlinks:

Backlinks are links from other websites to the. If the backlinks come from reputable websites with a lot of traffic, they add legitimacy to the website in the eyes of search engines. Y

One can build backlinks by blogging or sharing the work. 

Monitor Backlinks is a service that can help one tracks backlinks to the website.

13. Create a sitemap:

A sitemap is a digital map of the website that helps Google and other search engines index it. 

This ensures that all of the pages and content will show up in search results. 

One can easily create and submit a sitemap for the site using Google Search Console.

14. Put the 404 page to work:

It's easy to forget about the 404 page, where visitors end up when they try to visit a page that no longer exists on the website. But the 404 page can be a chance to redirect visitors to the rest of the site and even hit a few keywords.

15. Log in to Google Analytics:

Google Analytics allows one to see how visitors find the website and which pages they visit the most.

Logging into Google Analytics alone will not improve SEO.

Help them see which SEO changes are working and which website pages need improvement.


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