My Digital marketing Skill Trade

My Writing Skill Trade 

Watched the week 2 training program and feel so excited to hear many topics covered which i do not know before enrolling the DDIP.

To make understanding, watched the training program week 2 video again and again not to miss the topics.

This week 2 assignment helping me to upgrade my writing skills.

I like writing an article about what I learned after watching the video.

Done  my first week 1 assignment and get approved, thank you DDIP Team effort in working to make all of us get learning.

Keep writing an article or post on social media sites like Linkdein every day.

Writing an article or post will develop my skill and improving my English and communication skills.

Very excited to learn Digital Marketing from Digital Deepak, telling like this not just doing build up of Digital Deppak but my respect on Deepak about his commitments in fulfilling dreams of people in reaching their goals and financially strong with freelance,mentor ship.

Mr. Deepak is conducting so many programs of Internships, Trainings, webinars,Discussing forums, Interaction sessions,..

Why, because Learning with Digital Deepak is like working with real time environment.

Not just learning, but earning is very good opportunity to gain knowledge worth of the spending time, money and energy.

Learning from basics and fundamentals course to advanced course of the internship program builds me more confident.

This internship is a great opportunity to all those who want to learn Digital marketing, but not just learning, executing all the topics with real time scenarios and paid for them.

This type of  paid internship is possible with only by the Digital Deepak Internship program.

In fact, I plan to do masters like M. Tech / MBA / M.Sc in Digital Marketing for my career growth, but I have heard by enrolling in the Digital Deepak internship program that many are gaining knowledge and a real-time experience with this program of 11 commentaries. 

By attending regular Deepak sir sessions, I learned that the master's certificate / certification is only a certificate and a piece of paper or degree not useful if i do not have skills , digital marketing is not a course to be read in books and just listen through lectures in online / offline classes, referring books / journals.

Learn digital marketing by applying strategies, thinking, working on analysis, understanding the market, building trust with customers.

I am very Eager to learn the basics of marketing and feel it is important to take the basics before embarking on marketing.

Why, because I was beginner marketing.

Digital marketing is more about marketing than digital.

Digital is just a way that marketing is done and many people who have learned digital marketing end up focusing too much on this digital path, the techniques and strategies for moving forward and towards the advertisements. 

Facebook, Google Ads, SEO, social media, and all of those things, but at the end of the day, they don't have good marketing fundamentals.

So when one understands marketing very well, digital marketing becomes easy and digital marketing is a very dynamic field.

The techniques and the way to reach audiences keep changing, but if learn marketing, marketing doesn't change because marketing is rooted in the foundations of human psychology.

This is why I focus a lot on learning marketing and the fundamentals of marketing.

Learn, Do and Teach is very good approach I feel after listening to the week 2 training program.

If one wants to remember something better do it and teach it, as it focuses to organize the concepts in a very fundamental way and going to organize in a better way.

Teaching focuses on organizing the concepts in branding better.

Develop a mindset of teaching to others, when teaching to other people, then there is a chance of understanding concepts in a very fundamental way going to organize the thoughts in a better way.

When one organizes the thoughts in a better way remember them better and it's not just a memory but it is understood.

When someone tries to remember they may forget, but when they understand no chance of forgetting because understanding makes them remember forever.

Try to convert all the facts that gathered into understanding and the best to convert to understanding is to teach.

Setting a financial goal for the future and create a plan to achieve the goal.

Wealth is the first goal for everyone,to be a better marketer and a better person.

There are other goals as well, but we have invested money, energy and time so that we need to create more wealth.

So I want to set up a financial goal and create a plan to achieve it.

By based on research with my audience, I heal that having a financial goal of 1 Crore in savings will be a pretty good goal to have.

When choosing a niche, that is not too narrow that is not finding enough customers and at the same time niche should not be too broad that getting diluted and not having any market differentiation.

Concentrate on the niche that the niche in digital marketing, like email marketing, SEO for e-commerce websites, SEO for lawyers,.. etc.

If one chooses a niche, stick on the certain niche and goes deeper into the niche rather than just focus.

Select and Follow the niche properly and reach financial goal easily.

As learning digital marketing, digital learning is always about reaching customers, and if one knows,  reaching customers and then develop a product and start out as a digital marketing consultant to freelancer to help other businesses and reach customers and clients and reach their target revenue.

As a digital marketing freelancer, provide digital marketing services to other companies helps clients to get more revenue and charge for the services.

Become a blogger, affiliate marketer, and then think about the entire revenue generation goal in the same method and in the same funnel.

Selling a product need not be developed by the same person who was selling.

Sell the product to any number of customers by affiliate marketing and commissions out of it.

Be a Digital marketing freelancer, mentor, and digital marketing trainer, develop training products, coaching products then set to the funnel. 

Defining the base of the law of marketing and quote the law of marketing instead of the loss of marketing because just like the law of attraction, thinking the law is singular, but the way explains the law can have different perspectives. 

Learn about why we should learn and master marketing. 

When it comes to marketing, there are a lot of books that recommend ongoing to convince why one should make it a lifelong habit to learn and master the fundamentals and principles of marketing because it's going to serve for a long time and that's whatever be looking at an indeed thought.

Section and also going to have a look at the importance of communication skills and why having a good communication skill is very important to be a good market and also got some techniques on how can improve the communication skills in a natural and organic way. 

Going to have a look at global economics and marketing, and one felt that every marketer should learn global economics because global economic impacts the business directly on how much one succeeds in business know which market is succeeding and how to survive through the recession, all this needs to have a good understanding of global economics and going to talk about that a little bit and then we are going to talk about digital marketing Vs Traditional marketing, and how much traditionally marketing is too powerful. 

When it comes to starting certain segments and which of the segments should not be focusing on traditional marketing,

Then we are going to have a look at the direct response marketing concept, and what is direct response Marketing and why direct response marketing is more powerful than other types of marketing. 

Having a look at the marketing funnel, called CATT  which stands for Content, Attention, Trust, Transaction, the most important funnel, and how to execute the digital marketing campaigns.

Going to look at Integrated Digital marketing, because a lot of people who do digital marketing do not do it in a holistic way, Approaching each and every channel of digital marketing in a side role or separate way and then trying to get results in some time and most of the time they may or may not result.

For example, some people say want to target customers through SEO and some SMO, Email marketing, Content marketing, paid ads, 

The problem and mistake by the people are that they go ahead and do each of things separately but not in a way that everything complements each other and everything works together like a machine.

 So that's why going to talk about integrating digital marketing and all campaigns are integrated digital marketing and all campaigns are integrated and all campaigns created for clients are integrated digital marketing campaigns and going to be an important understanding from a basic level.

*Law of marketing

Going to have a look at the law of marketing.

The law of marketing is based on science, not on creativity.

Marketing starts before creating the product.

Marketing starts with understanding the customer and customer needs that lead to creating a product that fits. 

In the process of marketing, understanding the customer better. 

Develop and make a product based on customer usage, then don't need to use marketing tools to sell the product, in order product sells itself in the market.

Marketing is about sending the right message to the right person at the right time.

Marketing is not just about selling a product, but marketing is satisfying customers, keeping new and existing customers happy, and communicating with them so that a customer will remain a customer for life. 

Marketing is something that starts even before creating the product of the service, then marketing is to be there while selling the product service.

Marketing will be there is even the purchase the product or service from.

So that can increase more products or services in the future.

Very important to create a marketing funnel because the scarce resource is out there is trusted.

As a marketer responsible to built trust with customers and people called as MassTrust is trusting marketing.

The Term Mass trust is to develop trust with people so that people will trust the market.

Marketing is a game building trust with a lot of people at the same time.

Marketing means to an end.

The purpose of marketing is to build a brand and capture a position in the minds of customers.

The aim of marketing is to know and understand the customer, so well the product or service hits the customer and sells itself.

The aim of marketing is to make selling superfluous.

Marketing is a game of perceptions.

Product is rooted in reality.

Never let marketing become more important than the product.

A great product sells itself.

Always have the focus on product/service is that giving away.

Marketing is just a kick-starter.

If Marketing is good, but the product or service is not good, then all the marketing did for the product or service is a waste.

Once building the momentum, then no need to put much effort into marketing.

 A great product converts the customers into brand ambassadors.

Word of mouth propagating or marketing is the best channel of marketing ever.

Advertising, Copywriting, Sales are some of the components of marketing.

The fundamentals of marketing

I learned how to Identify the Marketing Strategy and Develop the First Marketing Campaign can be done with these four basic steps.

1. Know the target: A narrow focus reinforces and reinforces the impact that can have on the market.

2. Educate on the benefits.

3. Develop a powerful call to action.

4.Measure, monitor, record, report and learn.

*Building a strong brand.

In Branding, no need to be no. 1, just need to be one.

Choose a category and become a leader in that category.

Cannot be a leader in the category, become a leader in the sub-category.

People remember only, no. 1 or no. 2, every market becomes a two-player market in the long term.

Enter a competitive market, but have a unique angle.

*Why learn and mastering Marketing.

Why invest time and energy in learning marketing.

Marketing education has a long shelf life because it is rooted in human psychology and understanding the market.

Marketing is the most valuable investment in a business because it gives direct returns.

Everything else like production, manufacturing, HR, Accounting, the administration is an expense that does not give immediate ROI.

Marketing cannot be outsourced completely to a marketing agency.

The founder should be a marketer because if he or she knows the fundamentals of marketing, then they create a strategy for their product or service execution.

Understanding marketing is understanding the business.

If one knows how to market and sell, those have a safe career.

*The importance of communication skills.

Good marketing is all about good communication.

Increase communication skills by writing like at the talk, join a conversation in peoples mind, the Understand target audience very well.

Write a lot, the more write, the better can write, writing slows down the thought process and gives clarity.

Think in English, because English is a communication language all over the world.

*Global Economics and Marketing:-

Every entrepreneur should learn about global economics.

Make decisions in the business based on economics.

A country's economy goes up as the average age of the country goes up.

Debt creates money.

More debt in the economy=more cash i.e. Inflation.

Recession creates strong companies and drives out the weak companies out of the market.

*Understanding Indian economics:-

India is the sixth largest economy in the world in terms of nominal GDP and the third in terms of purchasing power parity (PPP).

According to the International Monetary Fund (IMF), based on per capita income, India ranked 138th in terms of GDP (nominal) and 122nd in terms of GDP (PPP) in 2020.

India is a country with a billion people and there are a lot of opportunities here with a billion more people than the US population.

Categorize India into 3 parts according to money spending, GDP, lifestyle, spending while comparing with other countries like Mexico, Philippines and sub-Saharan Africa excluding Africa from South.

Target customers with purchasing power will be around 30-50 billion by 2025.

Target customers who have credit cards, laptop or desktop, earn more than 5 lakhs per year.

Most of the target customers are concentrated in the top 10 cities of India.

*Wealth is concentrated in India:-

The richest 10% earned 56% of the country's total income in 2019; the poorest 10 percent earned only 3.5 percent.

The richest 10% of Indians owned 80.7% of the wealth in 2019.

India is only second behind Russia in the world in terms of inequalities.

*Traditional Marketing Vs Digital Marketing:-

If a product is generic with very wide targeting -traditional marketing mediums such as TV ads can reach millions at a low cost.

Radio has a reach of 65% of the Indian population.

The newspaper has a reach of 465 million people.

Digital Marketing is the best medium to reach the affluent English-speaking population in India with the spending power of 100 million users. 

One of the disadvantages of Traditional marketing is cannot personalize communication, drip marketing, cannot do natural sales.

Whenever selling low and consumer-grade products use traditional marketing methods to reach more people.

*Direct Response Marketing.

The Direct response is a type of marketing designed to elicit an instant response by encouraging prospects to take a specific action.

The advantages of direct response marketing are will be able to track if the ads are running or not.

An ad in the newspaper in the newspaper with a phone no. to call,

A sales page with a product with a link to purchase the product and 

An ad leading to a landing page with a lead form is Direct response marketing.

*The CATT marketing funnel:-

wealth = n^CATT

[n] Niche: sucess and wealth depend on the niche.

[C]Content: create useful content that attracts people from the niche.

blog posts, videos, lead magnets, live webinars, etc.

[A] Attention: Drive Attention (traffic) to the content using SEO, social media, and referrals.

[T]Trust: Build trust with the audience with trip wires, marketing automation, and retargeting.

[T] Transaction: Convert leads into customers with a natural sales method.

 *Integrated Digital Marketing:-

Email marketing, Content marketing, Paid ads, SEO, Social media, sell, and convert.

Integrated digital marketing encompasses the idea of ​​creating a unique form of expression that is easy to identify across all channels used by the customer, such as using one language to speak in different situations.

Positioning a website above Google's SERPs should be a top priority when working with digital strategies, such as content marketing. Organic search should drive prospects to pages that represent.

the content must be relevant to the audience and entice them to take the next step in the buyer's journey.

Apply SEO (Search Engine Optimization) techniques, such as link building, proper use of keywords, and optimization of your website load speed.

Organic search, social media, content marketing, paid advertising are the channels of an integrated digital marketing strategy.

Brand awareness, ROI, conversions, brand loyalty are the benefits of integrating your digital marketing.

*Personal branding:-

Evolution of personal branding

Learn a new skill through concepts, facts, Understand.

understand the concepts, remember the facts, and practice the procedures.

Work: Put the newfound skills to work.

Go from practice to implementation.

Implementing it in the real world will give a better understanding.

work=job/freelancing/own projects.





This article is a part of the Digital Deepak Internship Program.


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