Microsoft Ads replaces manual CPC with CPC Optimizer

Microsoft Ads replaces manual CPC with CPC Optimizer: -

Microsoft will transfer all search, buy, and dynamic ad campaigns from the Search Network that do not have automatic bidding strategies to the CPC Optimizer (eCPC).

All Dynamic Search, Shopping and Dynamic Search Ads campaigns without any automatic bidding strategy in place will be automatically migrated to the CPC Optimizer.

All ad groups and keywords will also be set to inherit bids from their parent campaign, the ad says.

Target ROAS (Return on Ad Spend) automatically sets bids at auction time to increase revenue or conversion value for the Target ROAS set.

Target Cost Per Acquisition (CPA) automatically sets bids to achieve the desired 30-day CPA.

Maximize Clicks is designed to help to get as many clicks as possible within the budget.

Microsoft Advertising recommends that paid advertising managers start testing their automatic bidding setup now, before the migration begins.

The ad advises advertisers to start testing as soon as possible before the end of manual auctions using Campaign.

Microsoft's announcement says eCPC will work with any performance goal, and its internal data shows advertisers using eCPC are achieving 5-10% more conversions while maintaining their cost per acquisition (CPA ).

He also cited an improvement in the conversion rate and a decrease in CPA for advertisers using eCPC with the bidding strategies of technology providers.

Microsoft says that eCPC will help advertisers improve conversions while maintaining or improving costs and will not exceed maximum bid parameters.

Artificial intelligence and advertising seem to be the way paid search is evolving to automatically improve efficiency.

Many advertisers feel a loss of direct control over their campaigns and their customers' accounts when they have no idea what optimized bids are.

Micromanaging auctions isn't always a good idea, but manual CPC gives smaller or niche advertisers with less volume more control.


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