Setup & Time-Saving Tips on Facebook Ads

Setup & Time-Saving Tips on Facebook Ads: -

  • Find great Facebook advertising tips to help to get started on the path to Facebook advertising success to track creatively from setup.
  • As the largest social network in the world, Facebook is a great way for marketers to reach their target audience through advertising.
  • With approximately 2.70 billion monthly active users, it is the target digital channel.

Here are some Facebook advertising tips to get started and help provide the edge on this popular platform.

3 Quick Answers to Common Facebook Advertising Questions:

When it comes to Facebook ad pricing, it really depends.

Facebook Ads:

  • Time: The time and day that the Facebook ad shows.
  • Bidding Strategy: Low cost or specific bid cap.
  • Advertising Placement: High-competitive placements cost more.
  • Advertising Relevance: Low Score Engagement Ranking, Quality Ranking or Conversion Ranking Increase Facebook Ad Costs.
  • Target audience: High advertising audience costs more with Facebook ad campaigns.

Facebook ads are sorted by campaigns.

  • The new Facebook campaign may have one or more Facebook ads.
  • Facebook ads target users based on their location, population and profile information.
  • The ad appears on that person's screen as the person scrolls through the Facebook feed.
  • Views are recorded as impressions.
  • Likes and comments on Facebook ads are recorded as engagement.
  • Clicks that can take a person to another website, online store or Facebook page or offer based on the campaign goal are recorded as clicks, price per click, click-through rate and more.
  • Facebook ads are 100% valuable if are looking to gain more visibility, generate more leads and convert more customers.

Get started by setting up the Facebook Ads Manager account

To enable Ads on Facebook, need to set up a Facebook Ads Manager account.

  • Log in to Facebook.
  • Select Menu and Ad from the drop-down menu in the upper right corner.
  • At the bottom, click on the Got to Ads Manager prompt in the lower-left corner.
  • The Facebook Advertising Manager creates and guides an account by setting up an advertising campaign.
  • Create Facebook ads and a new Facebook ad campaign through the Facebook Business Manager account by clicking on the drop-down arrow in the upper-right corner of the Facebook page and selecting Ad Manager.
It’s time to create the first Facebook advertising campaign.

  • Click on the + Create button in the Campaigns tab and go to Facebook Ads!

Identify the target:

Decide what Facebook ad campaigns do.

  • Need more website traffic?
  • Want to grow the email database through LeadGen?
  • What do want Facebook users to do with the Facebook ad?
Facebook Ads provides 11 targets to support a broader goal.
  • Brand Awareness: Educate non-customers about the brand.
  • Reach: Advertising and Message Reach a wider audience.
  • Traffic: Direct clicks and visits to a specific website, mobile app or Facebook Messenger chat.
  • Engagement: Increase the volume of post engagements, likes, page followers or event engagement.
  • App Installations: Increase downloads for the application.
  • Video Views: Get more views on the videos.
  • Lead Gen: Capture more potential customers and leads into the funnel.
  • Conversations: Improve business engagement through Facebook Messenger.
  • Conversions: Get the desired result or action (subscription, download, etc.) on the landing page, web app or Facebook Messenger.
  • Product Sales: Integrate Facebook Ads with Product Catalog so that people see ads for the most purchased items.
  • Store Traffic: Redirect more customers to the physical store.
Exchange-based goals (such as sales and installations) in Facebook advertising campaigns are charged per action, and exposure-based goals (such as website visits and views) are charged per impression.

Set budget and schedule:

  • Enter the Facebook ad campaign name at the top of the screen.
  • Set and select the page to promote.
  • Set a budget by selecting start and end dates along with the daily or lifetime budget.
  • Schedule the ad to go live in the future or choose to publish immediately.

Leverage Campaign Budget Optimization:

  • Campaign Budget Optimization (CBO) is a feature provided by Facebook Ads that is worth using.
  • Allows the CBO to determine the budget at the campaign level rather than the ad set stage.
  • Allow Facebook to optimize the budget in the various ad sets in the campaign.
  • The bulk of the budget is spent on target audiences or audiences that deliver better results.
  • This results in more conversions and a lower cost per conversion.

Select the audience:

  • Scroll forward a bit to build a target audience.
  • Use a positive audience.
  • The first choice and the best is for a positive audience.
  • This may cause concern for the first time Facebook advertising users.
  • Most businesses find their ideal customer by targeting people who are already familiar with their brand.

In addition to:

  • Old and current customers.
  • Website visitors.
  • Facebook page followers.

Directing Facebook ads to these warm groups of people will get better results than targeting a cool audience.

This is done by creating a positive audience.

  • Recommend starting with the customer file and website visitors.
  • Create a custom audience and use the audience builder provided by Facebook.
  • Select destination location (city, country, etc.), age, gender, and language.
  • The detailed goal of the Facebook ad campaign is to allow viewers to keep or exclude based on their population.
  • Use the audience that appears on Facebook.
  • Facebook also provides a visible audience.
  • This type of audience repeats existing audiences to help them find people who have already been identified as an ideal customer.

Choose where to place Facebook ads:

  • At the bottom of the page, locate where the Facebook ads appear.
  • Use automatic placements.
  • By selecting the option, Facebook will automatically place ads on their platforms:
  • Facebook, Instagram, Messenger and Audience Network.
  • They decide on which platforms to implement the ad to get the right results.

Set the brand security and bidding strategy:

  • Choose to avoid sensitive content and add specific blacklists to specific websites, videos and publishers.
  • Choose the lowest price bid strategy.

Facebook offers two Facebook ad bidding strategies:

Lowest Price: Facebook Ads is the default for most Facebook campaigns using this strategy and it is recommended.

Target Price: This may be a better bidding strategy to increase the advertising campaign or keep it going for a while.

Potential Reach and Conversion Estimates appear on the right side of the screen.

Create a Facebook ad.

There are many advertising formats to choose from.

Newsfeed Announcement: These appear in the Newsfeed.

Right column ad: Beautiful basic ad with headline, description and a single image. 

Works on desktop.

Lead Ads: This allows them to quickly opt-in for newsletters and quotes directly from their mobile devices. Contact details are automated in the form fields.

Carousel Ads: Also known as Multi-Product Ads, it allows to display of a maximum of 10 images and links with each ad.

Dynamic Product Advertising (DPA): Remarketing ads that target customers who have past actions or inactive actions on the site arrive on time.

Page Post Links: Ideal for promoting an external website.

Explain the offer with a large feature image, post text and link description.

Canvas Ads: Mobile-optimized option; These ads are of the animated storytelling ad type.

Event Announcements: Ideal for a specific event.

Offer Ads: It is best to increase redemption rates.

Mobile App Install Advertisements: Promote app install on mobile and connect to Apple App Store or Google Play account.

Mobile App Install Advertisements: Promote app install on mobile and connect to Apple App Store or Google Play account.

Desktop App Install Advertising: Mobile App Install Advertising Desktop Facebook App Version.

GIF Ads: These are similar to the standard newsfeed ad, but GIF is more creative.

6 Slick Tips on How to Get Creative with Facebook Ads:

  • It starts with a catchy title.
  • The headline affects the click-through rate (CTR) and the price per click (CPC).
  • A recent study revealed that 60% of people do not read more than the Facebook share's headline before commenting and sharing.
  • Facebook Ads allows us to perform multiple A / B tests to find out which headline people will respond to!

Keep the headline short.

  • A recent study found that headlines with 60-100 characters get the highest click-through rates.
  • The title should be short and catchy.

Use emotional words.

Use power words in the headline.

Words like:

  • Instant.
  • Free.
  • Right now.
  • Surprising.
  • Expose.

Use numbers:

Use numbers.

People like to click on the ad with the headline starting with the number.

Consider including these numbers in the Facebook ads:

  • Discount value.
  • Length of the free trial period.
  • The number of customers.

Create a sense of urgency:

  • Shortage and urgency motivate consumers to take action.
  • Make sure the ad has a certain deadline, limit or cut-off.

Use clear calls to action.

  • Where is the best place for a call to action or action?

Add words like ‘get, download, start’.

Avoid stock images and use videos.

  • Real photos work better than stock photos, with almost 35% of website visitors having the opportunity to sign up when they see the real picture.
  • Facebook video ads increase clicks and lower CPC and are easier to create a simple image ad.
  • To create a Facebook video ad,
  • Go to Facebook Ads Manager,
  • Create a new campaign and upload a video.

Facebook is ready to track and optimize ad performance.

  • The Facebook Ads Manager dashboard closely tracks campaigns.
  • This ensures that investment in advertising that performs better than advertised.
  • Add a Facebook pixel to a website landing page to track ad performance.
  • Run some ads with low audiences and budgets.
  • Understand what is the best performance statement that can turn into the primary campaign that decides what works best.
The most effective formats and products really showcase when engaging audience interests with Facebook ads.
  • Due to the large audience and detailed targeting options, Facebook Ads continues to be an effective digital advertising tool for brands.
  • As Facebook develops its advertising strategy, it is important to combine creativity with data insights to differentiate it from the competition.
Using available data about customers and feedback about products can help.
  • Understand audience values ​​in relation to product niche to target advertising tailored to their needs.
  • Understanding who is reading the ads and their needs will highlight the details that are most appealing to them.
  • Knowing what is most appealing to the audience can increase extra clicks and conversions.
Accessing data to understand the target audience on Facebook is its own skill.
  • Great advertising helps the brand to create amazing campaigns that will lead consumers towards the products with the right combination of appeal and clarity.
Two important factors to earn a click on Facebook ads: Ad Setup & Ad Creative.
Ad Setup:
  • Businesses have different priorities when creating ads and Facebook offers options for formatting ads to better promote the brand.
  • Use pictures, videos, sounds or words, there is a format that helps to achieve marketing goals.
  • Businesses should use different ads because everyone is differently engaged with advertising.
  • Some prefer video presentations, while others prefer words with solid visuals.
  • Trying different formats gives the business valuable insight into the ads that attract the target audience.
Some formatting options available through Facebook Ads:
Single image and slideshow formats
  • Photo advertising on Facebook is a simple format for using a high-quality single image to showcase a brand.
  • This format is created quickly and allows to highlight a specific product, which helps it to stand out in the feed.
  • The slideshow can also display multiple images.
  • This format captures existing images and adds motion and sound to create an ad that loads quickly on devices.
  • Slideshows are also easy to make, less expensive than videos and load up to 5 times faster than video advertising.
When to use this ad format
  • This format is ideal for businesses that have a simple, easy-to-understand product, especially for startup businesses or those on a budget.
  • If still collecting data through ads, getting started here will give to the necessary metrics (such as which photos, vocabulary, etc. work best) before moving on to more expensive and sophisticated advertising types.
Video advertising:
  • The video ad format for Facebook PPC is probably the most effective regardless of industry.
  • Facebook provides its creator studio tool to help to create a video or create a slideshow of photos that make up a video.
  • Also, create the own video and upload it on Facebook.
  • Facebook video ads get 10% to 30% more views than other ad formats.
  • Getting creative is easy if having the product
  • To show working with video.
  • However, in order to provide a more sophisticated service, it is a well-known idea to make a video of someone on the team talking about the company.
  • It is attractive and enticing; Keep it small and sweet!
When to use this ad format
  • As with static ads, video ads should be tested as soon as possible.
  • Although video ads generally work better regardless of the type of business, it is worth testing along with static ads to see what works with the audience.
  • Add captions to all videos!
Carousel Advertising:
  • Carousel format allows marketers to display a maximum of 10 photos and videos in a single ad.
  • Each image or video has its own link, which takes prospective buyers directly to the landing page to provide additional information about promotions, product specifications or services.
  • The carousel layout also allows to show a series of events related to the announcement.
  • Carousel ads reduce content to an ad, while at the same time giving customers the opportunity to click on images to engage with the brand.
When to use this ad format
  • Carousel formats are useful for displaying different angles of a single product, multiple products, displaying the process, and providing engagement when customers are swiping through slides.
  • If the product or service has more than one use, this is the best advertising format to deliver the message.
Collection format (e-commerce)
  • Facebook collection ads allow users to browse products through an introductory video attached to a series of product images in the grid layout.
  • The opening video highlights the collection of products to promote in the campaign.
  • When the user clicks, they can browse the products that are part of the collection on the fast-loading page.
  • Links are available for the customer to travel from Discovery to Browsing to make seamless purchases.
  • Improve collection advertising with instant experience.
  • Instant experience is a full-screen experience that opens after someone presses an ad on a mobile device.
  • This is a great way to highlight products and services.
  • REMARKABLE is one of the more creative ads seen using this format.
When to use this ad format:
  • The collection is best suited for e-commerce brands with a catalog of products to display.
  • This format creates a storefront where four or more products are available for customers to browse, allowing them to group relevant items to increase sales.
Dynamic experiences:
  • Facebook offers dynamic experiences for single image and video advertising.
  • This selection team adapts the ad for viewers using different variations of the same ad that create the ad with the same image or video and other text options.
  • The platform automatically creates different ads by using text combinations, adjusting the media through enhancements and composing highly effective for the target audience.
  • This process can include adjusting the brightness, cropping the image, or using a filter to make the ad look special.
  • Composition changes in the ad may include labels, showing relevant comments and different text combinations to create an attractive title.
  • Facebook then displays a personalized ad for the user, predicting the variation in the likelihood of receiving a response.
  • Dynamic advertising appears to be one of the most ad-changing advertising formats.
When to use this ad format:
  • This format is best for those who have a slightly different audience for the same product or service.
  • This can be confusing as it has a tight handle on different audiences before entering into this type of ad.
Ad Creative:
  • Ad creatives displayed on Facebook need a thoughtful plan to stay in touch with customers and deliver adequate message from marketers.
Consider the following factors that lead to successful campaigns and more clicks from customers.
Primary text:
  • Keep the basic text short and accurate, so that ads are scanned quickly as users scroll.
  • Facebook suggests limiting words to 125 characters to avoid compression.
  • Identify the audience population by choosing the best words to stay in touch with customers.
  • If so, highlight these key points in the text.
  • The product needs meaningful text related to their specific needs to attract customers.
  • It is important to write directly to the audience whether trying to engage prospective buyers or remarketing a customer who is previously interested in the product.
  • When creating an ad, select specific media assets and indicate the brand.
  • Authentic content is great for interacting with customers and creating clicks.
  • When marketing a brand and establishing connections with a target audience make sure the media is different in terms of race and gender representation and representation.
Headline or Title:
  • The headline of the Facebook ad should complete the call-to-action.
  • Be sure to highlight special offers in the headline.
  • Keep in mind that there are a maximum of 40 characters before cutting.
  • Time to get creative!
Call-to-Action (CTA):
  • CTAs meet the customer in their place on the shopping journey.
  • Offering free trials, catalogs or exclusive deals are all opportunities to interact with the audience.
  • Customize call-to-action for every business and industry.
Destination (URL):
  • Optimizing the landing page for advertising is crucial in creating a seamless experience for potential customers.
  • Whether it is a product detail page or a lead capture page, the landing page must be relevant to the ad.
  • Providing information that users want to explore products or services and the logical next steps in the conversion process is crucial.
  • Optimize the destination page for mobile users, which means that content loads instantly so users can easily navigate and checkout (ecommerce) is efficient.
  • Facebook ads provide revenue to large and small businesses through their wide audience.
Facebook Ads can launch its advertising platform, brands need to rely on increasing their social following organically.
  • Facebook has become a pay-to-play market. Strive to reach a larger audience without paying for visibility through advertising.
  • Start a new company or a well-established brand, one should consider paying for engagement through social platforms.
New Brands & Facebook Engagement:
  • Every company needs to start somewhere with social media.
  • If the brand is new, be under pressure to grow quickly.
  • Create viral-worthy content, but relying solely on this strategy for growth is not realistic for most people.
  • Organic engagement for page posts ranges from anywhere from 0.05% to 0.29%.
  • With very low prices, it should be very hard to focus on social content ప్పటికీ despite the large number of followers.
Some examples of why should pay for an engagement are:
  • Build a new audience and follow quickly.
  • Extending content between existing audiences.
  • Have the ability to devise remarketing strategies from the engagement.
  • If the budget is available, paying for an engagement is a costly way to gain understanding rather than choosing "sales" or "traffic" goals. Includes "Invite to follow" feature for Facebook pages.
  • This is a free way to get extra page engagement.
  • The invitation to follow comes with feature limitations.
  • This strategy is probably not relevant for brands that want to reach the national level instead of small-medium businesses.
Existing Brands & Facebook Engagement:
  • Followers who work hard to earn can not see the content!
  • For well-established brands, the reasons for paying for engagement may be different for up-and-coming brands.
Some of these reasons may include:
  • Extending the organic range.
  • Exposing posts to an expanded network of audiences.
  • Teaching or inspiring the audience.
  • Facebook users are not looking for sales pitches everywhere they turn.
  • By focusing less on capturing the customer’s final sales, one already stands out from the competition.
  • Having a consistent presence on social media platforms allows audiences to relate.
  • The more consumers are associated with brands, the more loyal they will be to them.
  • Selecting the Engagement Objective
  • Learn why paid Facebook engagement is important and how to set up engagement campaigns.
  • Facebook has recently streamlined its campaign goals.
  • Video content is usually less expensive for engagement compared to static images or clickable links.
  • Facebook does not want users to give up their platform.
  • Facebook is going to charge a premium for that kind of content.
  • By focusing on what really matters to customers, whether it is a useful tip or tool or mission behind the brand, try to focus on video-form content at the lowest possible cost for each engagement.
Payment Facebook Engagement Strategies:

Find out what kind of content is most cost effective and consider some ways to get the most engagement for the budget.
1. Start with a wide audience:
  • The tendency to target whom is the target audience.
  • Narrow audiences usually have higher costs with them.
  • By starting with a wider audience, reduce the audience based on the advertising engagement metrics.
2. Create a remarketing audience:
  • The beauty of engagement ads is that segment users are based on how they get engaged.
  • Percentage of video viewed.
  • Likes, Comments, Shares, Saves.
  • This engagement strategy allows to reach a wider audience on a scale, and then reintroduce engaged customers to the brand in a less costly manner.
3. Do not use posts for campaigning only:
  • If starting with a cool audience, do not spam them with promotional posts.
  • They do not know enough about the products they want to click on the ads.
  • Save promotional posts for loyal customers or good remarketing audience.
  • In addition, keep promotions to a minimum if possible.
Unpaid Engagement Strategies:
  • This brand is likely to get into paid engagement ads.
  • There are many ways to stay in touch with a Facebook audience that does not fall in the form of advertising.
Some of these non-paid strategies are:
  • Responding to customers in comments or direct messages (DMs).
  • Asking questions in posts to promote engagement.
  • Keep posts small and sweet.
  • Constantly post interesting, relevant content.
  • Social media, especially Facebook, is now pay-to-play.
  • The rules behind Facebook's organic posting and advertising have changed tenfold since it was first founded.
  • No matter what stage the brand is at, it is important to stay up to date on strategies and strategies that will complement organic endeavors.
  • Create a meaningful payment and organic social media strategy for the brand. Create content that is realistic and relative to the audience.
  • Most importantly, be consistent in the endeavors and see the expanded efforts in the long-term brand building.
Meta is targeting Facebook ads by 2022:
  • Meta announced that from January 2022 Facebook will be removing targeted options for advertising audiences in four categories.
  • Meta has announced that changes are coming to Facebook advertising campaigns targeting audiences.
  • In response to industry pressure, Facebook parent brand Meta has adhered to its previous promise and is re-scaling advertiser target settings.
  • It also indicates a broader trend.
  • A high level of objective accuracy supports the creation of highly personalized experiences that allow for relevant and valuable customer interaction.
  • Sensitivity increases when individuals are identified based on social factors, health conditions, or their association with demographic characteristics.
  • Facebook is limiting advertising options without allowing targeting based on these sensitive parameters.
Facebook eliminates targeted options in four main categories along with seldom-used niche sections.
  • Health causes (e.g. breast cancer awareness).
  • Sexual orientation (e.g. LGBT).
  • Religious practices and groups (e.g. the Catholic Church).
  • Political beliefs, social issues, causes, organizations or statistics (e.g. political party or political candidate).
Meta's update on upcoming changes states that campaigns can deliver to targeted audiences.
  • In addition, the changes are not fully publicized through the meta ecosystem.
  • For ad sets created before January, it is possible to make campaign-level edits, such as budget amounts or campaign names, without affecting the target.
  • Editing at the ad set level triggers audience changes.
  • If the ad set is paused earlier, when it is reactivated, new target changes will begin.
  • It is no longer possible to modify advance campaigns that affect disabled target settings.
  • If it is possible to make changes to the campaign, ad set or ad level, the detailed target settings must be modified.
  • It will be interesting to see if other social media platforms follow this and also adjust their target capabilities.
  • Meta has seen more pressure than other platforms.
  • Without reviewing and reducing their target granularity to sensitive standards, other social platforms run the risk of being scrutinized in the same way as prescribed on Facebook.
  • In the context of social media, programmatic and search advertising providers should also be careful.


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