8 Simple Google Ads Tips That Will Get To More Money

8 Simple Google Ads Tips That Will Get To More Money: -

Having a profitable paid search campaign has many components.

Here are eight ways to optimize PPC campaigns to maximize revenue.

A well-executed PPC campaign can be crucial to an advertiser's overall revenue and conversions.

However, because to pay for each click to get from the ads, a poorly managed PPC campaign can cost more (sometimes much more) than the revenue it generates.

The target audience and messaging are unique to the business, but there are some basic tactics that work consistently in PPC campaigns, regardless of the industry.

There is no magic formula for a healthy and productive PPC campaign, but there are many levers to can adjust to maximize the results.

Here are eight of the most important (but often overlooked) elements when optimizing PPC campaigns.

Some of these are more advanced than others, but if these elements are implemented in paid search efforts, one should see a great improvement and make the business make more money.

1. Make the landing page relevant:

This is one of the most overlooked aspects of paid search.

It's easy to get lost on paid search platforms, tweak the bids, test the ad copy, and funnel all the energy into the platform itself.

The ultimate goal of PPC marketing is to make a sale.

A successful PPC ad drives qualified leads to a landing page, but that's only the first half of winning.

So the job of that landing page is to turn that lead into a paying customer.

One should optimize landing pages for PPC conversions by aligning the message of the ads with the message of the landing page.

Maintaining consistency between keywords, ad text, and landing pages should improve both click-through rates and conversion rates while lowering the CPC.

Ideally, the result is to earn more money while maximizing the budget.

Repeat the copy points in the ad on the landing page.

Since to know that customers are interested in the offer and the message in the ad, one can increase conversions by presenting the same message and CTA on the landing page.

By following this basic rule, one will be able to create more engaging ads that will help customers understand the value and drive more conversions.

2. Optimize negative keywords:

One of the most powerful tools available to ensure the integrity of Google Ads and Microsoft Ads campaigns is using negative keywords.

Both platforms allow one to specify which keywords are not suitable for the product or service.

By telling Google what the product is not, to prevent ads from showing on keyword searches that don't align with customer wishes.

It is just as important to tell Google which products and services they are not, as it is to tell them what they are.

Negative keywords can be added at the campaign level, but can also be refined by adding unique keywords to specific ad groups.

3. Use the appropriate keyword match types:

PPC advertising is a direct attribution marketing channel and Google Ads is based on user intent through keywords.

Every time someone types a search query on Google, the ads are displayed based on the relevance that the auction system considers the search term and displays an ad accordingly.

It is important to understand the keywords that will be used and the type of modifiers that will be used for those words in the PPC campaign.

There are four types of keyword matches, that is, four possible ways to "tell" Google and Bing to handle keywords.

Broad - This is the widest network that can be launched and will match searches on any word in any order (including synonyms) that include the target keyword.

Modified Broad Match: This type of match is the second largest network that can be cast.

Unlike broad match, which can allow the ad to show for any keyword in the offered phrase, modified broad match tells Google "One must have all of these terms in the search query, in any order or Location".

Phrase match: This modifier will show the ad only when search engines use the exact phrase to specify.

The query must contain all the keywords to be annotated, in the exact order to enter them.

Exact match: This keyword modifier is similar to phrase match; Traditionally, ads will only show with the exact search query to enter, but Google relaxed this a bit by displaying the ad for things like misspellings, plural versions of a word, or inferring interchangeable keywords to what has been specified.

Each match type is a trade-off between impressions, relevance, and cost.

If someone wants the most impressions, the broad match does it, usually with the lowest CPC. But it can also mean that it corresponds to a lot of irrelevant searches and costs money.

On the other hand, Exact Match will have the fewest impressions but will have the highest relevance and click-through rate.

The trade-off is that it tends to be more expensive.

4. Modify the keyword match type over time:

When launching a new Google or Microsoft Ads campaign, generally start with multiple ad groups that have strong similar keyword themes.

Start using modified broad match types because they offer a good level of control for qualifying when the ads are displayed, but also enough opportunities for the ads to show.

Over time, the focus tends to become more of a combination of broad modified words, phrases, and exact matches as the data begin to show what is actually converted.

Winning search queries can be "upgraded" to Exact or Phrase, while my Modified Broad is still that broader network that helps me find new things to bid on.

5. Complete all available advertising content:

Expanded Text Ads (ETAs) have had a substantial impact on the world of Google Ads.

By offering additional space for relevant content, ETAs give PPC managers a great way to tell a story about a product or service.

If someone wants their ads to work better, be sure to fill in all available information fields.

Final URL - Make this page a highly relevant landing page.

Heading 1: Include things like the subject of the keyword the user typed in, the brand name, or the main value proposition in this field.

Title 2: Include a supporting value proposition here or use this area to set the context for the Description.

Heading 3 - This one doesn't show up as often, but it's still worth including a strong CTA or value proposition.

Path 1: Path fields are not the "real" URL, but are easy-to-use inserts to demonstrate their relevance to the search engine. This is a good place to write down the top-level category, brand name, or keyword category that relates to the ad group (i.e. what the user searched for

Path 2: Try to include more precise and additional information in this field to provide more context to the search engine.

Description lines 1 and 2: This is the longest section of the text that connects the needs of the search engine with the solution of the product or service. 

Focus on making this as relevant as possible to what the user searched for rather than just including general information about the brand or service. 

Remember, the seeker is telling what to need, and this is the area to tackle it!

Google has also added the Responsive Search Ads (RSA) option.

In RSA, one essentially gives Google a list of title options, a list of description options, and Google will try combinations of them together to find the best result.

One can list up to 15 titles and 4 descriptions:

In any combination of ads, a maximum of 3 titles and 2 descriptions will be displayed.

It's important to note that they can be combined in any combination, so make sure the headlines and descriptions to enter can be put together in any way and still make sense.

6. Use all relevant ad extensions:

Many PPC accounts focus primarily on the headlines, paths, and descriptions of the main ad.

However, ad extensions are an essential part of the customer experience and can give the ads a significant performance boost.

Ad extensions can help better tell the brand story while providing valuable information to the customers.

There are several ad extensions to choose from, but these are the most commonly used:

Sitelink Extensions - These are additional links that the customers may find valuable that lead to unique landing pages on the website.

Callout Extensions - Use these to build trust with readers by including entries such as "Quick Professional Service" or "Peace of Mind Guarantee."

Structured Snippets - Include these to provide more information on the features that are offered. 

These are based on specific categories, so be sure to choose a relevant category to build the ad extensions.

Call extensions - This will allow entering the business phone number directly into the list.

Location extensions: If someone has a physical operation, one can link the Google My Business account to the Google Ads account. 

By enabling this extension, the address and phone number will be added to the ads so potential customers easily understand the location.

7. Adjust bids for geographic targeting:

No matter the market or industry, one can benefit from targeting marketing dollars to specific geographic locations.

Review where the share is coming from to prioritize media spending in those areas.

Local industries such as apartments, hotels, and lawyers often rate their ideal clients by how close they live to their physical offices, but the performance of geographic targeting is not limited to this.

Even if the products and services are not dependent on the physical location of the customers, one can still optimize the PPC campaigns with geographically targeted offers based on seasonality, weather, and user needs.

For example, if one sells snow shovels, one should make a negative offer in warmer areas like Florida and Alabama, as people in those states will likely not need the product and someone will waste money with every click from those states.

However, it would increase geo-targeting offerings for cities that will experience increased snowfall due to an incoming cold front.

Many Google Ads beginners forget to consider the needs of their different types of customers and other qualifiers based on the physical location of their audience.

Someone can save a lot of money by preventing ads from showing in some areas while increasing the likelihood of a conversion and increasing the bid fit on other geolocations.

One may also notice that big cities like New York and Los Angeles use up the budget quickly, but are expensive and don't convert well.

These types of problems can also be addressed with modifications based on geography.

8. Look for opportunities to push the budget to mobile devices:

Many of the future customers are using mobile devices, and more and more users are converting to them.

Mobile-centric campaigns can give the best chance of engaging mobile customers in the right format on their preferred device.

Separating campaigns is an easy way to generate more qualified clicks.

How do to determine if a campaign should have a mobile-only component?

See conversions by the device.

As one can see, mobile devices outperform desktops and tablets.

In this case, one can add a positive bid modifier to mobile phone users to maximize the visibility there.

However, if mobile is driving a significant portion of the conversions and want to budget more aggressively, one can also copy an existing campaign and simply make a negative mobile bid for the original campaign.

Likewise, the negative offer for desktops in the new mobile-only campaign.

One can also take advantage of mobile-only campaigns by focusing on call click extensions.

Google Ads is an investment:

A properly maintained PPC campaign can help businesses dramatically increase their revenue.

Because Google charges for each click on the ads, be sure to follow all available steps to optimize the entire experience and drive conversions.

Try the tips above for the PPC campaigns and one can make the business make more money with qualified traffic and higher sales.


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