
Showing posts from November, 2021

To use keyword intent to drive PPC performance

To use keyword intent to drive PPC performance : - Configure for keyword success (and profit) by understanding the impact of the auction price, customer journey factors, and volume/value potential. The option to actively target a keyword instead of allowing associated queries to happen naturally through other terms is an ever-evolving equation of: Auction price. Association perceived in the client's journey. Volume / value potential. While no component should decide where the budget and account structure are going, it's important to understand the impact of each, as well as the strategies that will be put in place for keyword success. Let's dive into the triforce of keyword planning. Auction price: The paid search philosophy largely revolves around balancing the auction prices of keywords with the expected value of the customer. Auction price factors include: Industry. Close variants. Devices. Locations. Weather. Each industry has different auction prices, or what advertise

To measure success in PPC campaigns with and without conversion data

To measure success in PPC campaigns with and without conversion data : To effectively track the performance of the PPC ads, here's how to measure the success of paid search campaigns with or without conversion data. One of the greatest gifts that digital marketing represents is the data to know when we are achieving our objectives. The simplest measure is conversions. Conversions can track any action a brand finds value from a sale to spending a certain amount of time on a page. However, not all brands can use conversions.  There are a number of reasons for this: The web host does not support the conversion tracking code. The brand does not have on-demand access to a technician who can install the code. The ad network doesn't support conversion tracking. In these cases, a brand may have to rely on metrics outside of ROI and trackable ROAS. When it comes to developing the strategy for measuring success, be sure to consider constraints and how they might affect how to determine K

To create a paid search plan that will generate results.

To create a paid search plan that will generate results : - Here's how to get started creating the paid search plan here. Here's a step-by-step guide to PPC planning to ensure the campaigns deliver results. Paid search strategy mapping forces to dig into what works and what doesn't, review what works for the competitors, and create a plan. The resulting plan ensures that they are prepared to meet and exceed the objectives and describes exactly how they will do so. 1. Review last year's results: The best place to start planning a good year is undoubtedly the performance of the previous year, heck, even the last few years. Take a look at the ups and downs throughout the year and ask oneself: Did reach the goal? What were the key learnings in terms of what worked and what didn't? Is there anything that would have been done differently in terms of campaign initiatives, testing, channels, budget allocation or otherwise? Are there trends or patterns that are transmitted o

Conversion into paid media

Conversion into paid media : - Conversions in payment methods come in many forms. Learn how to define a conversion for the campaigns and the value of the PPC marketing dollar. Once upon a time, a PPC conversion was simple. It meant that someone completed an action that he wanted, which generally meant a sale. However, as marketing became more sophisticated and measurement capabilities evolved, the term "conversion" became more complex and nuanced. Have conversions changed! Instead of tracking a particular conversion, marketers today focus on many actions desired by users. These "micro-conversions" allow marketers to know whether or not they are on the right track with their audience. For example, marketers may have measured purchases in the past. They now measure other actions, such as joining an email newsletter or attending a webinar. It is a natural evolution as the marketing ecosystem grew. When the paid search was the only tactic in town, knowing where the traf

8 Simple Google Ads Tips That Will Get To More Money

8 Simple Google Ads Tips That Will Get To More Money : - Having a profitable paid search campaign has many components. Here are eight ways to optimize PPC campaigns to maximize revenue. A well-executed PPC campaign can be crucial to an advertiser's overall revenue and conversions. However, because to pay for each click to get from the ads, a poorly managed PPC campaign can cost more (sometimes much more) than the revenue it generates. The target audience and messaging are unique to the business, but there are some basic tactics that work consistently in PPC campaigns, regardless of the industry. There is no magic formula for a healthy and productive PPC campaign, but there are many levers to can adjust to maximize the results. Here are eight of the most important (but often overlooked) elements when optimizing PPC campaigns. Some of these are more advanced than others, but if these elements are implemented in paid search efforts, one should see a great improvement and make the busi

15 ways to optimize a paid search campaign

15 ways to optimize a paid search campaign : - There is a lot to consider when optimizing the PPC efforts. Here are the top 15 things professionals check when working on account performance. Managing paid search can spoil marketers. It's deeply ingrained in data, and this data comes in quickly after launching a new campaign. Before starting to optimize campaigns, one should have a good understanding of what the number one goal of paid search campaigns is. Let's look at 15 ways to optimize a paid search campaign. 1. Channel and campaign: When someone is advertising on multiple channels or campaigns, it is important to see which channel is performing the best for the top KPI (key performance indicator) and also what could be playing a supporting role. For example, paid search will always show a higher conversion compared to YouTube, but that doesn't mean YouTube isn't playing a role in the final sale that paid search is getting credit for. Take the time to understand whic

The most common way PPC ad budget is wasted

The most common way PPC ad budget is wasted : - To measure what matters in the PPC account. To avoid wasted expenses and incorrect data so that someone can make the most of the media budget. As paid search marketers they will have something of a love affair with data. PPC has become more expensive over the years, making it even more imperative to understand where every penny is going and if it is producing sales. Having managed millions of dollars in ad spend across all kinds of industries, someone has also had the opportunity to find something amazing: All those different accounts have many of the same problems! Despite the obsession with data and conversion generation, there are many search marketers who are not or are too obsessed with it and completely miss the most important piece that plays in sales: marketing. For data-obsessed paid search marketers, audits can provide a new way to use data and dramatically improve performance. Usually, one is done to assess the efficiency of sp

Top 6 PPC KPIs One Should Track

Top 6 PPC KPIs One Should Track : - PPC advertisers have so much data at their fingertips. Identify which paid search KPIs are most important and when to use them. The best thing about PPC is that you have so much data at your fingertips and you can make changes in real-time. There are so many great things to track and each one has its own purpose. Each campaign must have priority KPIs. Before developing a PPC campaign, it is important to determine what success looks like. KPIs support some of the most common marketing goals. The most important metric to track should be the one that aligns with the end goal of the campaign. 1. Measurement of sales increase: Most PPC campaigns tend to work up to the goal of generating more sales, whether those sales come from e-commerce purchases, in-store sales, or leads that will eventually result in sales. The starting points may be different, but the goal is usually the same. If the PPC campaign is designed to increase sales, the most important KPIs

PPC Budget Impact Daily Conversions

PPC Budget Impact Daily Conversions : - Learn more about the relationship between budgets, conversions, and cost per acquisition. Budgets can be difficult to set, especially for new campaigns. Setting the budget too high or low can lead to unnecessary expenses, machine learning problems, and other account performance problems. Basic rules of engagement: It's important to remember that daily, monthly, and lifetime budgets behave differently. If someone sets a daily budget, the ad network will try to average the daily spend in 30.4 days.  This can mean that the ad network will spend up to 200% of the daily budget on any given day. Monthly and lifetime budgets allow for greater fluctuation in daily spending and, for the most part, will adhere to the stated number. They are great for those who need to spend a certain amount in a certain period and can be a useful way to get around the acceleration period for new campaigns. Cost per acquisition (CPA) is determined by conversions to desi

Googlebot IP address list

Googlebot IP address list : - Knowing which bot is really from Google and which is not can help to decide which rogue bots to block from the site. Google has published the full list of IP addresses that it uses to track and access the website under the Googlebot user agents. Google said that if one doesn't want to use reverse DNS other than those kinds of methods to verify Googlebot, one "can identify Googlebot by IP address by matching the crawler's IP address to Googlebot's list of IP addresses." If one believes that someone is crawling the site, posing as a Googlebot, and wants to verify that blocking this fake Googlebot crawler is not really Google, then they can use the command line method or the list method of Automated IP. IP list: One can access the full list of Googlebot's IP addresses here in this JSON file, note that this list may be updated by Google, so one should probably check the file on a daily basis. All other Google trackers that match the I

Use Guest Blogs for Natural Link Building

Use Guest Blogs for Natural Link Building : - Get greater chances of being discovered online by guest blogging. Use guest blogging as a powerful strategy in the link building toolkit. People started using guest blogging as a spam tactic to get coveted backlinks. The secret to getting quality links through guest blogging: Singing as a guest does two things too: Connect the name with the prestigious singer that the crowd already loves. It gives people the opportunity to glimpse the beauty and magic that one can bring into their life. Guest blogging is no different. When to write a high-quality, authoritative post on a well-known blog with thousands of followers, people will notice. People will even start visiting their own blog. When people discover the blog and see it doing something they have never seen before. Guest blogging is not about listing the most successful sites today and introducing them to all. If one wants success, then one must follow the correct guidelines. 1. Be selecti

To measure user-interactions in Google Analytics

To measure user-interactions in Google Analytics : - Reports with unique dimension combinations to drive product growth. An interaction is any point of contact with an element on a website. These are defined by analysts or Google Analytics users and can be clicks, scrolls, scrolls, etc. Engagement rate is the percentage of people who interact (click, hover, tap) with an item. Engagement rate is a very useful measure in the world of Product Analytics and helps analysts find areas on websites or applications where the customer may have problems. Let's say a software engineer notifies us that some of the Add to Cart buttons on the website stopped working and we need to know what percentage of sessions usually use this item so that the development team can understand how urgent it is to fix this button. This metric can also be used to provide insight into why a user may or may not convert and can be used as a key performance indicator for goals and objectives. There are 3 main metrics

WordPress Security Leveled

WordPress Security Leveled : - The enormous popularity of WordPress and the open-source nature of the WordPress ecosystem have made it an intense target for hackers. Security has long been a major issue with WordPress.  That may have changed recently when the business arm of WordPress recently acquired a security company that can help internalize security and reduce hacking incidents. Third-Party Plugin and Theme Developer Vulnerabilities: Common vulnerabilities like Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) and WordPress API vulnerabilities occur due to careless coding practices of third-party developers in the WordPress ecosystem. The two most common points of failure are when software coders are unable to sanitize what is entered or loaded into a WordPress installation. The other coding flaw is a failure to properly verify the privilege level of the person interacting with the WordPress site, leading to a privilege escalation exploit, where an attacker with the lowest level of access can acquire t