Google I / O News for Technical SEO Professionals and Site Developers.

Google I / O News for Technical SEO Professionals and Site Developers: -

The web platform consists of open web technologies that allow the web to function as a virtual replacement for an operating system and browsers that provide app-like experiences, something users expect from companies like Google.

Other major sessions have received coverage, including the "What's New from Web Vitals" session.

Review the highlights of any session that relate to SEO development work.


Google's Chromium is more powerful than Chrome as a leading web browser.

It also powers Microsoft's Edge and others.

The market share of Chrome's browsers over its rivals is now like that of Google Search over its other rivals. Microsoft is closing Internet Explorer.

Chrome has become the primary browser for writing code while taking care to provide support for unsupported features or fully adhering to technologies that are also supported by Safari and Firefox.

The only competing browser that doesn't register a single-digit user market share is Safari, powered, no doubt, by WebKit, which powers the WebView in the iOS app.

It is important to realize that the latest Google development feats announced on Google I / O coincide with unprecedented increases in browsing activity.

New security features:


The first announcement from the Chrome team concerns a new security sandbox feature that isolates instances of frames online.

Cross-site <iframe> content embedded within a page as a YouTube widget now runs in a separate process, separate and even disconnected from the process that handles the embed page itself.

The isolation security architecture from V8 to Chrome is designed to prevent information from leaking from the bleeding heart and evil JavaScript.


Google also notified that the previously announced change in its default cookie handling behaviour for accessing third-party websites will now be implemented in Firefox, which was previously in operation in Chrome and Edge. 

If haven't heard of SameSite's cookie requirements for operational access to third-party cookies, now is the time to find out, unless are not accessing third-party cookies or providing third-party websites with access to third-party cookies. cookies from the site itself.

SameSite directives govern the handling behaviour of the browser.


Because third-party cookies have become so prevalent, the Chrome team announced a new "family of APIs," such as federated login, personalized ads, and conversion tracking, which can provide alternative avenues for use cases than previously they could have required a third party. implementation of cookies.

Follow-up prevention:

To prevent trackers from linking personally identifiable data to conversion event times, the Attribution Reporting API streams introduce lag and noise to prevent anyone from being able to successfully track conversions and particular users that way.

The API, along with a handful of other APIs, are available in source testing for testing with the website itself in preparation for when they are released.

New features of the progressive web app:

Context menu and badges:

A new identification API also allows decorating the application icon with a notification number.

Declarative link capture.

A proposed "Decorative Link Capture" API will soon be available in proof of origin form.

The proposed API allows links outside the context of PWA to open PWA like what might have been experienced when clicking a link to the URL of a YouTube video that opens an installed YouTube application instead of a browser tab that opens with the YouTube website.

This is a great thing, like deep linking, but in the context of an app.

The manifest file.

Chrome web app installation user interfaces on desktop and Android are getting brilliant new dialogues and information panels to provide users with more details and instructions to make the installation procedure easier for them.

Developers can provide custom text and images by specifying them in the web application's manifest file.

Multi-screen window placement API.

This new API allows progressive web applications to discover all connected displays and control where the window is placed on those displays.

It should be noted that this feature should be useful for web-based presentations and video conferencing.

The developments coincide very well with the dramatic increases in boating activity.

File system access API.

Last but not least, web applications can now access the user's file system.

The application will be able to work with existing files and preserve the state on disk.

A new file handling API can register the web application as a file type handler for users to open files by launching the web application to handle them, just like a native application.

The web platform is fast becoming the "web as an operating system" with app-like experiences, as expected, at least theoretically speaking.

Expect the first few experiences to be a bit wacky with a developer learning curve and a fair amount of work to implement.

But these are really promising times for web developers to do exciting things with cutting-edge web technologies.

What's new in Web Assembly:

The promise of Web Assembly (Wasm) is to compile code into binary executables that will run in JavaScript engines. One of the main complaints, the performance issues, can be resolved now that V8 supports modern CPUs with SIMD instructions to improve multimedia performance.

There are notable projects written in Rust, for example.

It is compiled into binaries that can be run with JavaScript in modern browsers.

However, knowing what is limiting when using a language like Rust is critical so as not to go beyond what is possible in the Wasm specification.

Fundamental elements of the Web:

The biggest announcement from Core Web Vitals is that performance improvements from web vitals optimization not only benefit mobile rankings but will also improve desktop rankings later this year.

It was always strange to think that the affected rankings would only be for mobile search, as desktop computer users also surf in uneven network conditions.


Have some clarification on the results of laboratory tests. The rankings will be adjusted according to the scores obtained on the field.

The good news is that Lighthouse is “calibrated to be representative of a user in their upper percentiles.

Get good lab scores, then nine times out of 10, users in the field will pass even better scores to Google for user experience ranking factor adjustment.

Background images.

It has been difficult trying to decipher what could be the painting element with the largest content.

Fortunately, Lighthouse will soon provide a thumbnail and it will be adjusted for greater precision when dealing with backgrounds and carousel images.

Change of design.

Another annoying issue that is being fixed includes changes to the way cumulative design offset is calculated.

It has been that the changes have been accumulating throughout the useful life of the page navigation session. Since some users upload and drop out, while others can navigate and scroll up and down, the score did not reveal the level of precision needed to account for a change in rankings as a consequence.

Google now shows the 5-second range that is tabulated to the highest shift score.

Content visibility.

The relatively new content visibility CSS property can now be used to improve performance scores with the value set to automatic.

This gives the browser permission to skip processing the content of that item if it is not visible on the user's screen, which can lead to better performance relative to the amount of content in those items.


Google plans to provide an improved Preplay API.

There are many things to look forward to that Google is introducing as it gives us more browser and API support for web platform technologies.


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