Digital Marketing Concepts.

The Formula to calculate the max CPC one can afford without making a loss.

Maximum CPM / 1000 *1/CTR

The average amount that has been charged for a click on the ad. 

Average cost-per-click (avg. CPC) is calculated by dividing the total cost of the clicks by the total number of clicks.

Avg CPC= total cost of the clicks total number of clicks.

The average CPC is based on the actual cost-per-click (actual CPC), which is the actual amount charged for a click on the ad.

    The average CPC is based on the actual cost-per-click (actual CPC), which is the actual amount charged for a click on the ad. 

    The average CPC might be different than the maximum cost-per-click (max. CPC), which is the highest amount than willing to pay for a click.

    If people click on the ad and then bounce off the website, it can give a negative effect on SEO.

    Paid traffic goals for the middle of the funnel is to convert visitors to leads.
    In the Middle of the Funnel (MOFU), the goal is to turn prospects into leads by collecting their contact information for further nurturing
    Use warmed-up audiences from the previous stage and get them interested enough to want to try out the product/service.

    Today's buyer is more informed than ever, and as sales and marketing professionals, it is our responsibility to educate and provide relevant information at every step of the buyer's journey.
    Once the buyer enters the sales funnel, the buying process that will take them from potential customer to customer, it is vitally important to qualify and nurture them along the way.
    While the idea of ​​a sales funnel is not new, the way to approach it has changed significantly over the years. While the details of the funnel can (and should) be different for each organization, this basic framework will lay the foundation for sales and marketing success within the organization.
    • Top of the Funnel (TOFU):
    At this stage of the funnel, to probably have a significant number of leads.
    Building trust with quality content to educate and inform will help keep close for the long haul.
    Work to qualify (and disqualify) potential clients so that one can focus on those who will become clients.
    In terms of content for these leads, offer pieces like:
    • Blog posts
    • Investigation reports
    • E-books
    • white papers
    • Middle of the Funnel (MOFU)
    Once potential customers get to the middle of the funnel, they know they have a problem and it is one that is clearly defined.
    If having a well-functioning sales funnel, have disqualified a decent number of leads on the TOFU to MOFU switch:
    Potential customers at this stage of the sales funnel aren't quite ready to evaluate vendors, but they are focused on researching all the ways they can solve their problems.
    Working to build trust with these potential customers.
    Keep nurturing them until they are ready to move on to the next stage, which is BOFU.
    At MOFU, we offer pieces such as:
    Comparison Guides - Make sure are not comparing providers at this time; instead, to compare solutions.
    • Videos
    • Podcasts
    • Webinars
    Bottom of the funnel (BOFU):
    Potential clients at BOFU are highly qualified and must be ready to buy.
    They've done a lot of research, defined their solution, and have probably identified several vendors that they are comparing.
    They know who is, what to do, and what to provide, and they likely have the same information about the competitors.
    The potential customer must be ready to speak.
    This is not an excuse to attack with a hard sell, because, let's be honest, selling like that no longer works.
    A consultative approach to help make a decision will ensure the deal is closed.
    BOFU content offering ideas include:
    • Case studies.
    • Vendor comparisons.
    • Live demo.
    • Test.
    • Query.
    TOFU, MOFU and BOFU in action:
    • Leads have been declining for the past six months, but it is not known exactly why.
    • Determine the need for a little research.
    • While the team is getting some internal numbers,
    • start researching online.
    • Online searches bring to the blog post 25 resources to increase conversions.
    • The post is helpful and provides some great ideas to take to the team.
    • Also, read the different sources linked within the post. Again, it's all useful and is part of the research or the TOFU stage of the sales funnel.
    • Through online research and internal team research, we have determined that the source of the problem is website lead generation, just not generating leads like used to.
    • In the MOFU stage of the sales funnel, because having clearly given the problem a name and committed to understanding how to solve it.
    • After doing more research, look up the Busy Marketer's Guide to Generating More Leads Online.
    • It's just what is looking for at this stage of the sales funnel.
    • Download the e-book and read it cover to cover.
    • Having a good idea of ​​what to do.
    • Enter the BOFU stage of the sales funnel, because the solution has been defined.
    • Nobody needs to execute an inbound marketing strategy.
    • While don't have all the internal resources to make this happen, look for several inbound marketing agencies that can act as an extension of the team.
    • Narrowed it down to three agencies and started doing the homework: 
    • Reading their case studies and testimonials and scheduling a marketing consultation with each one.
    • Just a few steps away from making a decision.
    • This approach is wildly different from the traditional way of selling, which included cold calls, push, and "limited-time offers" to close a deal.
    • Educate and inform each and every stage of the sales funnel and truly trust the process.


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