Business owners who are struggling to build a website or improve the SEO and search ranking of their current website may have a very basic understanding of what a keyword is, 

But they often have trouble applying that knowledge, maybe they're not sure where to start or just have some (often outdated) advice stuck in their head.

Regardless, it is important to know how to find the right keywords for the website.

Basically, a keyword is any word or phrase entered into a search engine, by a search engine user, that generates a list of relevant search results, which are often websites that include that keyword somewhere in the website.

The keyword research means choosing words or phrases to include on the website that to think potential customers will use in their Google (or other search engines) queries.

Determine the best way to target the keywords for the website.

Understand the different types of keywords:

It is important to know that different categories of keywords will determine how much work is needed to get a website to rank effectively for that keyword. 

Keywords are often divided into short-tail keywords, medium-tail keywords, or long-tail keywords, and each needs to be approached differently.

Short tail keywords, also known as top keywords, are simple keywords that are searched frequently and are made up of just one or two words.

Due to the frequency with which users search for these terms, short-tail keywords have a potentially massive audience reach.

Countless companies (including many massive corporations) will often compete for results that match these keywords, making ranking high in organic searches very difficult and ranking high in searches. paid are very expensive.

Also, because these keywords are so broad, the search audience may not really be interested in the product or service.

Medium-tail keywords, also known as body or mod keywords, are slightly more detailed phrases: two- or three-word phrases that are searched less frequently than short-tail keywords, but by an audience that has a better idea of ​​what looking for.

Ranking for these keywords can remain competitive, but not as difficult or expensive to split as short-tail keywords.

Long-tail keywords, sometimes known simply as tail keywords, are the most specific and least searched types of keywords.

These are long, detailed search queries that are often made by users who know exactly what they have in mind to get results.

Because these keywords have much lower volume, it is usually significantly easier or less expensive to rank high in a search for these keywords.

They may not be searched frequently, but because long-tail keywords are so specific, users searching for these keywords are often some of the most trusted potential customers for the product or service.

Know what the (potential) customer wants:

A keyword search is fundamentally about addressing a need, be it a question that needs an answer, a problem that needs a solution, or a desire to find a specific product.

Another option would be to keep track of the common questions to receive through the website, social media, email, etc. 

If to know what potential customers are asking, one can make educated guesses about what they would be looking for.

If that landscape architecture firm constantly meets potential clients and listens to its competitors, it is very expensive.

Research popular keywords:

It is not advisable to fill the website with terms that would like the potential customers to use.

Determine the type of keywords the customers are searching for.

Perhaps this landscape architecture firm is hoping that its potential clients are looking for landscape architecture, but that may be an ineffective keyword if they are actually looking for commercial landscaping.

Keyword search tools are commonly used when conducting this type of research.

If one uses Google Ads, one use Google's built-in keyword planning tool to determine what specific terms the audience is searching for.

Other frequently used keyword research tools include SEMRush, KWFinder, and Long Tail Pro.

These tools will typically provide basic keywords and include suggestions for more detailed long-tail keywords that may want to use.

Pay attention to the results and refine:

Select the keywords and start incorporating them on the website, the work is not done.

Pay attention to the rankings for those keywords and check Google Analytics to see if people searching for those terms are actually entering the website and the sales funnel.

If not getting the results just want (note that it takes time to change search rankings significantly, so be patient), one will need to improve the way to integrate the keywords (blogging, paying attention to site metadata web, and making sure the keywords are a part of natural reading, a helpful copy are all ways to help) or refine the keywords that choosing to target.

Keywords are a fundamental part of SEO, but they can be difficult to manage, which is why we are here to help. Skol Marketing can handle all the digital business marketing needs, including making sure the website keywords are perfectly targeted to the audience.

Prefer personalized guidance or want to discuss how our assistance can help to improve the search rankings, feel free to contact the local SEO experts at Skol Marketing.


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