Google Search Console Discover performance report now includes all data

The Google Search Console Discover performance report now includes all data: -

Be on the lookout for the new original referrer for Google Discover Chrome traffic.

Google announced that the Discover performance report in the Google Search Console will now include all data, including Chrome data.

There are a number of ways that users can access Google Discover stories.

One solution is to use the Google Search app or on the home page. Discover can be seen when opening a new tab in Chrome on Android or iOS.

Google will now not only display data from the Google Search app or the homepage, but also from Chrome.

Google Discover is the new name for Google Feed and displays topics and news around things that interest them.

With Google Discover, you can get information about areas of interest, such as favorite sports teams or news sites, without searching for them.

The new Discover data that Google shows you in this Discover report comes from Chrome, Google's web browser.

Google said that "start with a small percentage of traffic today and build gradually,

Chrome's Discover traffic will use a new original referrer to be consistent with what is used for Discover on the Google app.

This will replace the old referrer "

Google said we should start seeing this data over the next few months and gradually see it appear in the site's Search Console Discover performance report.

So expect changes in the data in the Discover performance report.


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