Analyzing Facebook Ads to Stop Wasting Money

Analyzing Facebook Ads to Stop Wasting Money: -

Three key metrics to analyze Facebook advertising costs and discover benchmarks to assess these performance statistics.

CTR (link click-through rate):

The CTR (Link Click Rate) metric is the percentage of people who saw the Facebook ad and clicked through to offer, landing page, website.

Make sure one is looking at the CTR (link click-through rate), not the CTR (all).

The CTR (all) represents anyone who clicked on any part of the ad on the Facebook page.

If the CTR (link click-through rate) is lower than the 1% referral rate, one should start testing Facebook ads again.

If one hasn't tested, this is a great opportunity to make ads more effective.

Improve the visuals so that more people are likely to see the ad and click on the offer.

CPM (cost per 1,000 impressions):

The second key Facebook advertising metric to track is CPM (cost per 1,000 impressions). 

Landing page conversion percentage:

The third key Facebook advertising metric that one wants to track is the landing page conversion rate.

The easiest way to find out how the landing page is performing is to go to the landing page software, eCommerce store, or website software and just look at the backend.

Most of these tools calculate percentages.

If one wants to calculate the conversion rate of the landing page manually, take the conversion number and divide it by the views of the landing page. 

Then multiply that number by 100 to get the landing page conversion percentage.

If the landing page does not convert to the minimum benchmark for the industry, one should perform landing page testing.

Work on improving the messaging and possibly the offering.

When performing tests on the landing page, make sure one does them one at a time so one can determine what improves the landing page.

To better monitor ad success, one needs to look at three key metrics: CTR (link click-through rate), CPM, and landing page conversion rate.

If the stats don't match benchmark performance rates, one will need to take a close look at the ad copy, images, landing page, and possibly email and test.


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