NLP and AI are revolutionizing SEO-friendly content

NLP and AI are revolutionizing SEO friendly content with five tools to help you.

SEO, NLP, and AI will evolve together.

Natural language processing (NLP) is a factor that will need to be taken into account when doing SEO on the website.

If the content is optimized for NLP, it can be expected to reach the top of the search rankings.

As AI and NLP evolve, we might also see machines doing a lot of other SEO related work like inserting H1 and image alt tags into HTML code, building backlinks via messages. guests and email other AI-powered content. editors.

Modern websites are at the mercy of algorithms, which dictate the content they display in search results for specific keywords.

These algorithms are getting smarter by the day, thanks to a technology called machine learning, also known as artificial intelligence (AI).

If you want the site to rank in search results, you have to know how these algorithms work.

The evolving role of NLP and AI in content creation and SEO.

NLP and AI have increased influence in content creation and SEO processes, we need to understand what NLP is and how it works.

NLP has three main tasks:

Recognize the text, understand the text, and generate text.

Recognition: Computers only think in terms of numbers, not text, which means any NLP solution has to convert text to numbers for computers to understand.

Comprehension: Once the text is converted into numbers, algorithms can then perform statistical analysis to find out which words or topics appear together most frequently.

Generation: The NLP machine can use its results to ask questions or suggest topics around which a writer can create content.

With the help of NLP and artificial intelligence (AI), copywriters should soon be able to generate content in less time, as they will only have to put together keywords and central ideas. , then let the machine do the rest.

The major impact of the Google BERT update

Google has announced the launch of its BERT (Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers) algorithm.

BERT helps computers understand human language using a method that mimics human language processing.

According to Google, the BERT algorithm understands the contexts and nuances of words in search strings and matches those searches with results closer to the user's intent.

Google uses BERT to generate the snippets for virtually all relevant searches.

BERT examines the search string as a whole, giving it a better idea of ​​user intent than ever before.

Users are becoming more specific with the questions they ask and asking more new questions, and BERT breaks down these questions and generates more relevant search results for users.

Develop improved SEO optimized content for Google

When we do SEO on our content, we need to consider Google's intentions by introducing BERT and giving NLP a bigger role in determining search rankings.

Google uses previous search results for the same keywords to improve its results, but according to the company, 15% of all search queries are used for the first time.

SEO must take into account the criteria:

Basic understanding of research intent.

While keywords still play an important role in Google searches, BERT also pays special attention to user intent, which simply means the user's desired end goal for performing a search.

Classify user intent into four categories:

Navigation: The user goes to Google to go to a specific website.

Instead of using the address bar, they run a Google search and then click on the website link that appears in the search results.

Informative: the user has a specific question or just wants to know more about a topic.

The intention here is to become more informed or to get their question answered correctly.

Commercial: The user might not know what they want at the moment, so they are just looking for options. Transactional: The user is ready and willing to make a purchase and uses Google to find exactly the product they want.

Transactional: The user is ready and willing to make a purchase and uses Google to find the exact product.

Frequency of terms - reverse frequency of the document

TF-IDF increases with the frequency of a search term in a document but decreases with the number of documents, i.e. very common words, such as articles and interrogative words, are very low.

TF-IDF is calculated by multiplying the metrics:

Frequency of terms: this can be a raw number of instances of a keyword, the raw number adjusted according to the length of the document, or the raw frequency of the most common word.

Reverse Document Frequency: It can be calculated by taking the total number of documents, dividing it by the number of documents that have the keyword, and then getting its algorithm.

If the word is very common in different documents, the TF-IDF approaches 0. Otherwise, approaches 1.

When we multiply the metrics, we get the TF-IDF score of a keyword in a document.

The higher the TF-IDF score, the more relevant the keyword is to that specific page.

As the end-user, one can use TF-IDF to extract the most relevant keywords for a piece of content.

Google also uses TF-IDF scores in its NLP engine.

Because the metric assesses the relevance of a keyword to the rest of the document, it is more reliable than just word counting and helps the search engine to avoid showing irrelevant or spam-containing results.

Importance of sentiment:

Consumer opinions on brands are everywhere on the Internet.

If one can find a way to aggregate and analyze these feelings for the brand, powerful data on general feelings about the company will be at hand.

This process is called sentiment analysis and uses AI to help understand the general emotional tone of things customers have.

It has three key activities:

Using AI and NLP to pull data from these sites in massive amounts, instead of collecting a random sample made up of a few reviews from each platform, gives a clearer overall picture of customer sentiment.

Analyze data and assign positive or negative values ​​to customer sentiment, based on tone and word choice.

Developing an SEO strategy that values ​​customer sentiment responds to common complaints and issues.

Salience and category:

Salience consists of measuring the extent to which a piece of content is concerned with a specific subject or entity.

Entities are things, people, places, or concepts, which can be represented by names or names.

Google measures salience by trying to draw relationships between different entities.

Five Tools That Can Help Develop SEO Friendly Content

1. Frase:

Frase ( claims to help SEO specialists easily create content aligned with user intent.

It streamlines SEO and content creation processes by offering a complete solution that combines keyword research, content research, content briefs, content creation and optimization.

Frase Content, its content creation platform, offers useful topics, statistics and news based on keywords.

2. Writer:

Writer ( realizes that we all write for different reasons, and when signing up asks a few questions about why it is planned to be used.

The Writer's Text Editor has a built-in grammar checker and gives you helpful, real-time suggestions focused on tone, style, and inclusion.

3. SurferSEO:

Surfer ( makes heavy use of data to help create great content.

It analyzes over 500 ranking factors such as text length, responsive web design, keyword density, and referring domains and highlights common main page factors to give a better idea of ​​what is working for a word. specific key.

4. Alli AI:

Alli AI ( gives you a fast and painless way to SEO on existing content.

Just add a single code snippet to the site, review Alli's code and recommendations, and then approve the changes.

5. Can I classify ?:

Can I Rank ( compares the site's content to other sites in its niche and gives helpful suggestions for developing the site and improving search rankings?

Its user interface is easy to understand and suggestions are presented in the form of tasks including estimated time.

Google is changing their search algorithms a bit, and getting the page ranked is a constant challenge, as BERT is heavily influenced by AI and NLP, it makes sense to use SEO tools based on the same. technologies.

Tools - such as Frase, Writer, SurferSEO, AlliAI, and Can I Classify? - help create content that ranks.

Some of them check SEO grammar and usability in real-time, while others crawl the site and competitor's sites and offer suggestions for content.


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