#Learn Web Development for a Web Developer Roadmap

Web Development - A Roadmap for Web Developers:-

Essential tools that cover programming languages ​​and libraries/frameworks to learn how to become a front-end or full-stack developer.

The tools to become a web developer are

*VS Code (code editor)

*Use Visual Studio Code, which is a source code editor, which is a free and powerful tool.

*The command line

*Version control - Git and GitHub

*Design tools - Figma

Programming languages ​​i.e. web developers to learn are


HTML stands for Hypertext Markup Language, which is used to build the skeleton of the website.

CSS stands for Cascading Style Sheets, which is a programming language markup language.

Box template - how the margins, padding, and borders work together.

CSS units - used to express lengths.

Position - specifies the type of positioning method.

Variables - or custom properties are entities that can be reused in a document.

Media Query - decide what to display on different screen sizes.

They are a key part of responsive design.

Animation - element change from one style to another.

Flexbox, CSS Grid - used to create responsive layouts.

Website deployment:

JavaScript is a popular programming language and is widely used for web development.

Learn about basic language features such as data types, loops, and conditions, as well as other topics such as objects, primitives, and arrays.

Functions are the main building blocks of the program.

The functionality of JavaScript is deconstructing, which is easy to write and makes the language super powerful.

Libraries and frames:

To become a Front-end developer or a full-stack developer, one needs to know some of the libraries and frameworks.

Libraries and frameworks for front-end developers.

Contentful is a headless content management system or CMS, which is different from a traditional CMS, stores data in Contentful, and uses it for the front end.

DNS configuration and deployment on a real webserver

To connect to the FTP server, connect to the FTP account through Filezilla or another tool.

To connect via SSH, one must have a Linux or Putty terminal.

DNS (Domain Name Service) is a user entering the URL (web address) of the website into the browser.

To determine the IP address of the website, one can use the Linux command.


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