#Build the Right Set of SEO Resources for the Company
Create the right set of SEO resources for the business:
Looking to identify what really needs from the SEO team.
This framework will help establish the ideal SEO resource stack.
Looking to create the right set of SEO resources.
Successful SEO is a challenge for businesses of all shapes and sizes.
Building the right set of resources from day one is the most critical part of being successful.
Allocate limited dollars to the most effective actions.
Synchronization of complex workflows between several skills.
Iterate and innovate towards goals of continuous growth.
SEO is an orchestrated effort between departments, teams, and skills.
Here are the key areas to cover to run SEO programs:
Link development.
Editorial creation.
Graphics and rich media.
UI / UX.
Web development.
Analytics and technology.
Establishing dedicated SEO resources for each of these areas is essential.
Strategists and channel owners need continuous access to resources at this lower level, otherwise, processes will crash.
The Senior SEO Strategist serves as:
The chain performance representative at the C-suite.
The Senior SEO Strategist also performs:
Monthly deepening and strategic alignment to reconfigure the service mix each month.
Tools to use:
Howling frog
Link development
Link development is a big part of SEO success because authority metrics are still the backbone of search engine algorithms.
When we look at this area, we must remember that acquiring links for a large brand is different from acquiring links for a midsize business.
The liaison strategy is derived from the strategy team and communicated externally to outsourced partners or internal teams.
Tools to use:
Link search tools
Editorial creation
Content will continue to be an invaluable part of the SEO mix.
Editorial creation
The ideal is to build an editorial team composed of writers approaching subjects with a journalistic perspective.
The content strategy is then derived from the strategist, who understands the goals of the business.
Graphics and Rich Media
Google increasingly rewards creative multimedia experiences because they generate strong engagement signals.
This is why the content must stand out in a world where pages are produced in multitudes.
Foster strong collaboration between the SEO strategy team, editorial creation, and graphics for maximum results.
Tools to use:
User interface/user experience (UI / UX) trumps all web marketing.
Google increasingly understands the quality of user experience on web pages, and these are rewarding sites that meet page experience metrics.
All types of pages can rank better with strong UI / UX.
So, the SEO team needs someone to represent the increase in traffic of certain UI / UX strategies versus other UI / UX needs.
Tools to use:
Crazy egg
Google Optimize
Web development
The web development team is responsible for implementing changes driven by the SEO Strategist Roadmap, designed by guidance from the UI / UX team and endorsed by eCommerce managers or experience of the site.
One of the biggest obstacles to success is a failure to consistently release this chain of resources.
Analytics and technology
By bringing together historical and current performance data, the Analytics & Technology team powers the insight engine of the SEO strategy team.
In SEO, one needs to look at the page level and page type, as well as brand and non-brand, to understand performance.
The more we can marry these things together, along with keyword rankings, the more powerful the strategy will be.
Advances in SEO technology are optimizing A / B testing, crawling ability, and automation.
Tools to use include:
Google analytics
Google Search Console
Google Tag Manager
Google Data Studio
SEO needs to change over time
The SEO strategist has to do a lot of research and planning.
Most optimizations start with working on the page - setting up the site architecture as it should.
The biggest factor that will influence the structure of the SEO team is the budget allocated to the program each year.
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